In the year 2100

It'll be interesting to see how the Internet looks in the future. When I first started going online in the very early days was with CIX, and there was no websites, everything was text based.

Such a lot as changed in the world from the 1990's to now 2020. When explaining how things were back then it sounds like a different world. It makes me wonder in another 10 to 20 years how different things will be.

One thing I expect will happen is we'll move from computers to terminals, once we get the high speed low latency connections, and that will change the face of the Internet. On the games side of things I guess it'll combine both PC and Console machines.
I doubt this forum or companies like OCUK will be around in 80years time. Buying individual PC components will not be a thing probably.

I wouldnt say we are in the best position ever to survive myself, our annihilation of the natural world will lead to mass migration on a scale never seen before and ultimatly world wars over natural resources and food.
The next 100 years will be more like 1000 years in practice given how fast advances are happening thanks to computing power and AI. Quantum computing will further advance this to unknown levels.

It's pretty amazing to catch a glimpse of where we are heading given current developments and projections on how things are advancing.

Technology will rule society for the better, education will be broader and more dynamic to each individual child allowing them to build skills that benefit society rather than studying a set academic structure.

AI will have found new ways to do things more efficiently and the energy crisis will have been resolved by then thanks to exotic discoveries that allow for batteries that charge instantly and last long lengths of time.

Humans will live longer too thanks to reduction in the ageing process and better understanding of the inner workings of the human body

Everyone can be connected to each other not through phones and computers but through augmented technologies.

Research into exporting brain states might even be a thing and you may be able to save your dreams too. If this happens then law enforcement will see a huge benefit memories can be recalled through these technologies. We already know memories of various types are created and stored in different areas of the brain depending on what is active or not, so decoding these signals will tell if the extracted data is a created memory, or a stored real memory.


I doubt this forum or companies like OCUK will be around in 80years time. Buying individual PC components will not be a thing probably.

It;s OK, OcUK will start selling mugs and lightbulbs instead?
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So after 3 weeks of being locked down, how are you all feeling about the future now ? Are you all as positive or have you changed your mind ? :)

I always suspected a dystopian nightmare was on the cards anyway. Too much power, not enough wisdom and a socio-political-economic system that rewards sociopaths. So I'm as positive as I was before the lockdown :)
This is the only planet humans will be living on for the forceable future. Even with all the space exploration and research being done and new discoveries, not even light speed travel is possible for any object with a mass and even then light speed has some huge caveats that no traveller would want to go through with. It's also is too slow in terms of cosmic distances. It's a morbid thought but Earth humans are destined to die in this solar system so all the more reason to make the most of the planet and look after it. There are a number of natural events that have wiped out life on Earth in the past and could wipe us out at any time in the future but hopefully it's not ourselves that wipe us out as that would be a damn shame.
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