In Which we discuss the next folding at home competition

18 Jan 2005
It was recently agreed that another folding competition might be a good idea, for two reasons:
1. Top crunchers are getting a bit bored at the top and would enjoy some extra competition, and the competitions are good fun for all.
2. We could do with some more members, and its a good way to have a bit of fun and friendly competition with both folders and non folders even if they don't stay with the team afterwards.

So, this is whats been said so far:
VeNT said:
we need to get some races going tbh!
Mattus said:
This is true! The best way to get the banter and points flowing, IMO.
shadowscotland said:
anyone up for another single machine comp, as of 3-4 months ago.
Joe42 said:
If we do lets make it public and bring in a few new folders while we're on. Put it in gh perhaps, invite people to compete even if they don't stay with us afterwards.
I'm up for it.
Perfect timing too with the Christmas holidays fast approaching.

Although i'm not sure if we should allow gpus to be part of a single machine in this instance, if we do theres not much point in me competing. Hell theres not much point anyway with these conroes but i'll do it anyway in the hope that some people with similar cpus compete to make it interesting.

We'll have to lay down some well thought out rules to make it fair and fun.
Mattus said:
I'm up for it! It's probably gonna involve a few different categories, given that you could call a quad-core system with two GPUs one rig these days. Needs some thought... could make a rule of CPU WUs using the standard client only in the main category, if people were OK with that?

Agree about making it public as well - the aim should be participation :)
rich99million said:
A category just for GPUs could be good - could be quite a close fight though could potentially get a bit dull with the consistant output :o
Joe42 said:
I was thinking i would probably be happy to donate £5 via paypal if someone else can deal with buying some prizes and paying for and dealing with postage to the winners. Even something like a set of cathodes would do as a first prize.
Mattus said:
I'd be happy with a £5 donation, though I don't think it should be compulsory!
shadowscotland said:
I'll make someone a sig as a prize (not first prize obviously :p )
Joe42 said:
Certainly wouldn't be compulsory. I'd still donate even if i wasn't going to enter.
I was just saying with a couple of small donations and someone willing to buy prizes and pay for postage we could offer some small but meaningful prizes and makes things much more lively.

So, any thoughts?
How will we make it fair?
Does offering prizes using a few small donations sound like a good idea?
Should it go in gh and be open to all?
Should we allow gpus and quad cores?
Will not allowing gpus and quad cores defeat the pont a little by not allowing those with the best hardware to win, bearing in mind this might be open to non folders in the gh with a view to retaining them after the competition?
Should we have a selection of categories, such as one for gpus (although this would require more prizes if we're doing prizes)?

Decided so far:

The Ranking & Prize Categories:
-Team AMD
-Team Intel
-The power league
-The overclockers league
-The ecowarriors league

-The prizes:
-Winner of the power league.
Person with the highest points over the duration.

-Winner of the overclockers league.
Person with the highest average ppd gain over the average ppd of their cpu at stock speed.

Average PPD data for the participants cpu type at stock speed is used and compared with the actual average ppd of the participant. This will be their average ppd over all the stats collected, so if we only used the stats from the weekly news in the two weeks of the competition we would use their average ppd out of these two figures. However there are likely to be more frequent stats reports, and the average ppd from all these stats reports will be the final figure.

-Winner of the eco warriors league.
The person with the highest ppd/cpu + typical system wattage.
Ppd is the ppd at the end of the competition.
Cpu + typical system wattage data is taken from reviews.
shadowscotland said:
As to Oc I've been doing some research and come up with two simple ratio's as power/thermal output is liner to clock cycles.
Most Intel’s are between .098 and .093 watts/Hz. To keep it simple I'll call it .095
C2D and AMD's have a shallower line of between .078 and .084. so I'll call this .08.
Or to put it an other way, Intel’s have Oc factor of 95w per GHz, and C2D & AMDs have a factor of 80w per GHz
Are we all following ok - no! well let's give an example.

my [email protected]
= 185w (stock) + [(3.6-2.66)*95] (Oc in Ghz times 'intel Oc factor' above)
= 185+[.94x95]
= 185+89
= 274w

-Raffle prize.
All who enter will have their names drawn from a hat.

The Rules:
-No gpu clients
-SMP client not allowed
-Beta work not allowed
-advmethods set at users discretion
-Multiple machines not allowed under one username
-Username must be of the specified format.
-No more than 4 cores
-One prize per participant, if a participant wins multiple leagues they can choose a prize and any other prizes will go to the person who comes 2nd.
-One username (and hence machine) per forumite.
-Folding user names must be in the form: [F@H07_*forumname*_*cpumanufacturer/team*] e.g [F@H07_Joe42_AMD]

The Particulars:
-Will be posted in gh
-Competition will be two weeks long.
-There will be regular stats updates with all participants listed under each league in order of performance in that league.
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18 Jan 2005
divine_madness said:
No way in hell my 3500+ would keep up with a cranked C2D, and im sure a lot of people in GD would see it that way too. No point in dissuading people just cos they think they wont win :p
Same. No way my 175 would keep up with a modern core 2.

So what would we have as categories? Can we do it with just a high end and a low end category?
18 Jan 2005
SiriusB said:
something i hadn't considered actually, having categories (particularly with gpus that need a cpu core to work) might actually be a bad thing for team production. Question is is it worth it in order to get more members or can we do this without reducing anyone's production?

Regarding the prizes, i don't think we should be aiming for anything like psus, i;m thinking a set of blue cathodes as a top prize. I don't think we'll be short of donations, but i don't think we should spend much on prizes even if we do get lots of donations. Save it for future competitions, stick to small but meaningful prizes.

I was thinking the best thing to do with postage was to have one person pay for postage and deal with prize buying and posting instead of making a donation, but if we have lots of prizes it will probably cost more than a donation would be for that person. So we could either split it between people or use donations to pay for postage. I think using donations to pay for postage is the easiest way.
Would it be better to order this stuff from ocuk and have it delivered directly to the winners i wonder?

I like the idea of teaming up with ocuk, what i'd like to see is perhaps some folding stickers for us to buy for prizes or something. They have been very involved in seti before so its possible. Have to ask 'zerker to post in the dr about it.

Vouchers are good too, but i'm not keen at all on cash prizes. You need more money to make a meaningful prize and as i said i think the money is better saved if we we get lots of donations for future competitions and events.

Making winners pay postage is a bad idea imo as its just more hassle for everyone.
18 Jan 2005
joeyjojo said:
Core 2 duo
AMD 64
P4/other old systems
Actually, thats just remiinded me, i have an idea that we could have an amd category and an intel category and have the categories compete with each other for total ppd and total points. That would be a lot of fun and make things a lot more interesting.

As ATI are now owned by amd they would help make the amd team strong enough to take on the core 2 duos and would make up for the fact that more people have core 2s.
18 Jan 2005
Another idea... everyone should have a competition sig to wear, one for the intel league one for the amd league with nulls user stats on them.

divine_madness said:
Where would allegiances lie for those running C2D and X1950s though? :p
Let them choose. Would have to disable the cpu or the gpu... shame, thats a big hole in a good idea.

We'll need some good custom stats, and perhaps a daily update thread. We will need some cleaver stats to make it easy to compare leagues, as eoc won't do that.
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18 Jan 2005
divine_madness said:
could fold the CPU core and the GPU core under different names surely?
Yeah, good idea. Only thing is it doesn't allow the combination of gpus and core 2s, but on reflection thats probably a good thing, as i said above it gives a decent advantage to the amd team to get all the gpus so it can compete with the intel team with xeons and core 2s and quad cores.
18 Jan 2005
divine_madness said:
If we do split it into AMD vs Intel, then make sure it gets posted in CPUs/HG as all those lovely fanbois will relish the opportunity to prove they have the better machines :p
Bingo. :D

Nothing like a bit of fanboyism to fire up the competition.
18 Jan 2005
Mattus said:
And what about the SMP client? It does stupid PPD (1000+). Banned? Different category?
Because its beta and linux and therefore only accessible to a small number of people i reckon its best if its not allowed...

I'm just thinking since the gpu client is beta should it be allowed? Will it give the impression to new folders that its far more complicated than it really is and requires 24/7 operation? Will it give an advantage to the hardcore folders who can be bothered to set it up?

Whats the gpu client like these days, presumably you still have to run it 24/7 or keep faffing about with it as there's no service?
18 Jan 2005
divine_madness said:
Might be easiest in the end to stick purely to CPUs. I don't have a GPU to fold with (X800 :p) so i haven't looked into it much but it seems a lot of hassle having to fiddle with the clockspeeds and reboot the service every time the PC gets turned off/on :/
Yeah thats what i'm thinking. The disadvantage is some folders will have to lower their overall output for a while.
18 Jan 2005
Yep ok.

So lets say we have an Amd team and an Intel team. Everyone uses their forum nicks with something after it... it was CS02 last time... what did that stand for again?
18 Jan 2005
SiriusB said:
So... assuming we go with the above we have so far:

High End League - Core 2 Duo/Quadro, AMD FX-series, Equivs

Medium End League - Athlon 64 X2, Dual Core Opteron, Equivs.

Low End League - Athlon 64, P4

GPU League - X19xx series GPUS

Each of the leagues can be further sub-divided into Intel vs AMD.

The only issue I can see is the High End League... only Intel CPUs can compete... even if you had the fastest FX CPU going odds are someone with an E6400 or above will tan your hide.
Yeah, problem competing in the high end league and, what, 8 prizes? So we can't do 1st 2nd and 3rd prizes.

What you end up with is a medium league consisting of amds and a high end league consisting of intels... may aswell call it an intel league and an amd league.

I'm concerned that if we did have an intel and amd league the amd league would loose out big time... or would it?
18 Jan 2005
Yep, that looks like a good idea.

I still don't buy the low/med/high thing though, epecially not combined with intel/amd. Its one or the other imo.

Need a census of who owns what so we can see if an intel/amd would be well balanced.
18 Jan 2005
Nice sigs. Very nice, should work a treat.

I'm thinking, if we allowed quad cores and such we could have a prize for the highest production but also for other things such as fastest dual core so the slower processors don't loose out.

Edit: Beaten. :p

divine_madness said:

AMD - Actual Prize for winning this
Dual Core - Signature Prize for winning this
Single Core - Signature Prize for winning this

Intel - Actual Prize for winning this
Dual/Quad Core - Signature Prize for winning this
Single Core - Signature Prize for winning this
The quad cores would still make all the core 2 owners loose out though.
18 Jan 2005
SiriusB said:
Not entirely sure about a signature as a prize to be honest. I mean people need only ask in Graphics and someone will have one whipped up for them within a day or two. I should know, I still see half of my sigs around :p

I don't know, 'winner of the ocuk folding competition 2006 intel league' would be a nice thing to have in a sig. Better than nothing.
18 Jan 2005
Berserker said:
Assuming? I guess I didn't make myself clear. It will happen. :p
Indeed. I didn't make this thread for the fun of it. There'll be another competition come hell or high water. Just a case of sorting the finer details. :p
18 Jan 2005
Well i think we're decided that there will be two leagues, Intel and AMD.

Next to decide is sub categories. Is it really worth having a league for the 10 or so people who with a quad core? I mean it may be that no-one with a quad core joins. Although i suppose theres still people with 4 cores (dual dual cores). However those with 4 cores on the team can simply leave two or their cores folding for their normal username. So its only people joining just for the competition or new folders with 4 cores that will cause a problem. Since it will be a very small number imo, should we just ask that they only fold on two cores?

Edit: I'll put a section in my first post of whats been decided so far to keep track of things.
18 Jan 2005
I agree about -advmethods. Another thing, obviously beta work won't be allowed.

Is there any way we can have all the competition clients fetch their wu's from a controller server allowing us to help everyone get set up and then start sending wu's at a specific time and stop sending them at a specific time?

Also, i think we should have at least one further prize which is a raffle prize i.e there will be a random draw of all who have entered. That way people with lower spec machines will still enter. In fact i think it might be better with the emphasis placed on the raffle prize or prizes... what do you think?

SiriusB said:
Okay below is just a rough draft of the structure and possible rules. Be great if you could put this in your original post Joe and make changes as and when they are decided...
I'm going to keep my first post as a facts and figures list as it will just get too messy if we start including drafts for the actual post.

I'll be devising a customised quick guide for the post to make it as short and as simple as possible.
18 Jan 2005
Very good point.

I think the best thing would be to exclude winners of league prizes from the raffle.

I wouldn't want to win a prize personally, that seems a bit ridiculous particularly if i had donated towards it. I don't need a prize to keep me folding.

Difficult to say really. Would it be fair to exclude all current team member from all prizes? probably not.

Should we exclude all those who donate to the prize fund from receiving a prize?
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