In Which we discuss the next folding at home competition

Yep thats probably a better idea.
Although i think it would be better in one thread, so we can each post at the top of the thread, or the person who posts the thread can edit the first post to put all the stats in it.

Having said that, i'm just wondering if it would be better to have a signup thread in the dc forum for people to list required system details and to ask for help setting things up, and then a main thread in the gh with stats and banter...
Berserker said:
Watch it, you! I may not have a banhammer any more, but I still have contacts. :p

What happened to the team idea? Did it get lost in the mists of time somewhere?
What, the team intel and amd idea?
Thats still happening, but there aren't any complications with that so it hasn't been mentioned much, but there will be stats reports for those aswell...
SiriusB said:
Basically every participant is automatically entered into ALL the categories. Obviously not everyone will have a hope in hell of doing well in some categories but there should be something for everyone.

This greatly simplifies matters as people need only give their CPU and intended username. No other info is needed afaik - at least not for the OC league :D

Yup. :)

Actually this is a good time to clarify what info participants will need to provide.

-Cpu manufacturer.
-Cpu model/speed
-Forum name
-Overclock if applicable

i think thats it.
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