[In Win 901] Celestial

25 Aug 2014

A new worklog!

And a long overdue one,this build has been in the wings for 6 months now while I clear the decks with IDORU and its 'adventures'....

This build will be something 'adult' in theme,no Gamer theme here! Im using the awesomely decadent Rolls Royce Celestial Special edition as its inspiration,a car so heavy on details that it beggars belief!





That paint! Those diamonds! That lighting! The build quality!

I will be using as many of the design cues as possible for something that should be outstanding when completed.

You can see more of this amazing car here: https://www.rolls-roycemotorcars.com/en-GB/bespoke/celestial-craftsmanship.html

I still look at that car with utter jawdropping awe......I can only hope to do it justice.

The case I have chosen is an In Win 901 case,a compact case with a lot of potential,chosen mainly as i have not seen a really amazing build in one yet and certainly not with full watercooling.
This requires some pretty substantial mods.....in B NEG speak this means "I guttted the case"......I went back to my previous ethos of integration,mainly to open the space up and keep everything clean,small cases are hard to make tidy,efficient design can overcome this.
The hardware?
Im reusing a lot of kit from a previous build so Im well taken care of,a 4770k,z97 Impact and a 290x with 16gb of Crucial Ballistix as the main component list although....you never know......XD
Watercooling is a modified EK Predator kit with an EK impact block and a 290x GPU block.
PSU will be a Silverstone SFX 600w.

So....the Case?

** Images removed due to size, must be kept 1280 pixels wide or smaller **


All those specs wont mean a thing for me tho......XD​
OK, I'm in for the ride, B NEG + In Win 901 + Rolls Royce Celestial Special edition = epic build :) Have a happy New Year but then it's straight back to building tomorrow ok ;)

Rather than bore you will unboxings......

This is the motherboard im using,a Z97 Impact with an EK Impact monoblock......Take a last look at the stock unit.....


All the mish mash of colour needs.....refining I think.

Lets start by covering all the caps with Anthracite grey vinyl....


Then maybe spray all the copper a dark grey matt?



And then do the I/O and all lthe little detail badges in the same Anthracite vinyl...


Much better,the red will not be noticeable once the kit is all bolted in place.

Much more subtle I think.​
Nice to see another build from you :D
I'm going to keep an eye on this build as you are certainly a master in the world of custom PC watercooling. :)
I also like the basis of the build, the case and the whole theme in general.

Can't wait till the next update :D
Question, B Neg:

Which 290X GPU block are you using? I ask because as I've been measuring up for my project I've found that (at least for my Titan) an EK block with Terminal block on top is actually 5mm too tall to fit inside the 901 - looks like 120mm is your maximum GPU height, and the Titan block with Terminal is 125mm. Or have you given yourself more height with the innards you posted on Facebook?

I've been asking around a few places to make a custom EK Terminal block that's 20mm tall rather than 25mm but I've not had much luck (although I need to check in again with E22), and the intricate O-ring channels are too much for me to just stab a block of Acetal with a Dremel :p So, curious as to how you're approaching it and if it's something I can copy lol I have a viable alternative, but the original plan was to use EK.
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Question, B Neg:

Which 290X GPU block are you using? I ask because as I've been measuring up for my project I've found that (at least for my Titan) an EK block with Terminal block on top is actually 5mm too tall to fit inside the 901 - looks like 120mm is your maximum GPU height, and the Titan block with Terminal is 125mm. Or have you given yourself more height with the innards you posted on Facebook?

I've been asking around a few places to make a custom EK Terminal block that's 20mm tall rather than 25mm but I've not had much luck (although I need to check in again with E22), and the intricate O-ring channels are too much for me to just stab a block of Acetal with a Dremel :p So, curious as to how you're approaching it and if it's something I can copy lol I have a viable alternative, but the original plan was to use EK.

I slimmed the tray total depth down where the mobo is by around 7mm. I very much doubt im going to put doors on this tho,I kinda like the open look.

Now the tray needs to have all the mounting hardware installed and a quick proof of concept mount.

Here is the tray that PARVUM milled for me,I will be drilling the holes myself but PARVUM helpfully spot drilled the placement.

You can also see what remains of the 901 chassis.......which is not very much.


First thing to do is file back the mounts for the stock In Win internals,I want the tray on the external chassis as I will be drilling thru it and bolting the tray in place that way.
These holes will be ground flat and filled but for now a file is enough.


Drill the holes,I used a 2.5mm drill


A quick way of mounting standoff's in Acrylic is using a soldering iron rather than risk shattering the Acrylic with a tap.




All done!

Now,lets have a look at it in the case for the first time.


Add the mobo...


I used the GPU bracket from the remains of the DFM parts I didnt use in LUMO for a really clean look.



Very Clean,Im excited to see this come together!

Next update will feature.....

An 18w DDC PWM Predator?


Love the I/O wrapping. How did you manage to get in all the nooks and crannies?!

Heatgun,you can get amazing detail with vinyl and a heatgun
The clear acrylic looks great, it should look tidy when its all fitted with the motherboard as the center and it allows for space for radiators, reservoirs and pumps to be fitted at the sides. :)

How much planning do you put into these builds or is it all done based on visuals?
The clear acrylic looks great, it should look tidy when its all fitted with the motherboard as the center and it allows for space for radiators, reservoirs and pumps to be fitted at the sides. :)

How much planning do you put into these builds or is it all done based on visuals?

I plan heavily with SFF stuff,I tend to make fully scaled 3d models.

Like this....


Very nice, really looking forward to this. I would imagine the Acrylic panel will be lit up with lighting given the name of the project. Will look pretty amazing.
Haha, wasn't much left of the case by the time you'd finished with it ;)

Can't wait to see you start to put it all back together again, the acrylic tray is very intriguing...
Damn, the model itself is brilliant. Even if the build is half as good as the model it should be very impressive. It always amazes me as to what people can do with 3D models. Wish I had those skills :)
If this turns out even half as good as it looks like it's going to, Rolls Royce will be claiming they named the car after the PC :D
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