[In Win 901] Celestial

Cool, cheers.

I'll find me some silverish paint to match the stainless steel block body and smash it on. If it don't work I'll vinyl wrap the exposed copper instead.

Today was all about getting the tray and vanity panels mounted.


We start with how im going to anchor the acrylic,normally i would tap the acrylic but this presents a very real problem of potential breakage so I looked to another way.
I used these instead.


Drill a 3.5mm hole and I used my trusty soldering iron to heatpress the inserts into place,now I have a breakproof thread that wont wear out!

Im drilling thru the case to mount the tray,I gave the holes a nice deep countersink to aid the filler by giving it some room to grab when it comes time to backfill.



I offered up the tray to the fresh holes and just marked the hole centers on the acrylic for drilling




6mm deep as required by the inserts.





Now to drill and countersink the panels,again with a deeper than usual countersink to allow for paint ,if its done to size now then the screws will certainly be proud come the refit.



Then I did the other side...


Remount the panel and it looks pretty good I think.





Next up is cut and fit the midpanel and look at getting the PSU,sort the loom and get that Predator rad in. Then I can work towards doing the rad covers.
These will be mimicking the sills on the Rolls Royce Celestial.


Drive safe!​
Damn that's looking good, and fair play, that's some top quality craftsmanship you've got. The amount of work going into this build is unbelievable :eek: :D
Loving it, but I will confess to freaking out a little seeing you drill the outside of that lovely brushed aluminium, especially given how paranoid about scratches and fingerprints when measuring mine.

Can't wait for more updates.
Damn that's looking good, and fair play, that's some top quality craftsmanship you've got. The amount of work going into this build is unbelievable :eek: :D

Im all about the details.
Believe it or not but the hard bit is done!

Loving it, but I will confess to freaking out a little seeing you drill the outside of that lovely brushed aluminium, especially given how paranoid about scratches and fingerprints when measuring mine.

Can't wait for more updates.

It will be painted,I need to find a replacement for the ground glass RR use for the paint to work tho...and thats proving hard....

Awesome, I love the inspiration from Celestial. I might have to show the boys at work!!

Cool beans! Where do you work?
Great stuff as usual! Are you concerned about all of the weight being supported by just the corner? If you're essentially melting those inserts into the acrylic is there some risk they could become loose and fall out?
Great stuff as usual! Are you concerned about all of the weight being supported by just the corner? If you're essentially melting those inserts into the acrylic is there some risk they could become loose and fall out?
The midplate is doing all the heavy lifting,these are just to hold everything in place.

They are designed not to pull out,the acrylic melts around it and holds it fast,the knurling is quite deep.
See if RR will give you their blessing and donate some paint :D

I cant see that happening tbh,I have asked but got no reply.....

I live about 10 mins from one of the RR places.... Reckon they leave the paint kicking around? I could go on the rob for you ;)

Doubt it,it will be in a climate controlled store. Go have a look anyway,I want to see the security video of you hauling yourself over the chain link and landing in a undignified heap on Crimewatch. :D
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In other news....



Im taking Dave too....not sure why other than he has working knowledge of Taiwanese jails. And he can allegedly make tea like a boss.

Im not sure what they are going to make of the longnoses tbh....
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