Raw thoughts from leaving the cinema just now, without reading other posts.
Overall, it was alright/good - very watchable! I wanted an easy classic Indy ‘McGuffin hunt’ and I think it mostly delivered on that. Execution was mixed though. Some bits (mostly the first half) were a lot better than I expected. The ‘intro sequence’ is pretty awesome and well worthy of the franchise! From the second half, it starts going ‘through the motions’ slightly but never tanks completely.
What stopped it from being great though, IMO, was that it set up for ‘interesting things’ to happen and then… they didn’t. Which was just sort of underwhelming from the set up. If you’re going to ‘go there’… you might as well go for it and be clever.
Some people may hate the final act which, like Crystal Skull, is silly, so brace for that. But it wasn’t ‘awful’ - just a shame it wasn’t as clever as it could have been.
I think it was the amount of green screen and CGI in Crystal Skull that really threw audiences but I’d say the CGI in this looked pretty good in the big screen, so that’s a big plus. I far preferred it to Crystal Skull.
Some people have expressed concern that Fleabag would be annoying (like the dreaded L3 robot in Solo) but I’m pleased to say that she wasn’t. Much like the character ‘Fleabag’ she’s definitely not a squeaky queen ‘high horse’ character… quite the opposite - a lousy scoundrel. I quite liked her actually.
I feel like the film could benefit from some more light / comic / goofy moments, but then with Ford’s age they went for a slightly straighter approach than the other films. It was probably a wiser choice as it could have come across as corny.
Overall, worth a watch if you like the franchise. Definitely not the total car crash I was fearing.
Edit - from reading some of the above posts, seems we have the same impression; generally OK but blighted as it didn’t deliver on the set up, which was ripe for a more compelling ‘cleverer’ end game.