- A new pay what u want site :)

Been considering Fate of the World on Steam for a while now, so this one's a definite for me.

If I can get the site to load beyond the first page, that is!

EDIT: Bought. Woohoo!
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For those who can't get the page loaded:

NightSky available on: windows, desura, steam
Fate of the World available on: windows, mac, desura, steam
Scoregasm available on: windows, mac, linux, desura, steam (windows only)
Ben There, Dan That! and Time Gentlemen, Please! available on: windows, desura, steam

Steal links provided above except for Scoregasm which I don't seem to be able to find on Steam, even though it says it is there. Ah well. I think I'll be grabbing it anyway, already have fate of the world, but the others look interesting enough!
except for Scoregasm which I don't seem to be able to find on Steam, even though it says it is there.

Scoregasm is completely AWESOME.

As you say, the key does activate although the game does not as yet have a store page but does have achievements.

Worth the purchase for Scoregasm alone IMO.
I like what these guys are doing, but again, I'm just not interested in this bundle. I might have bought it for Fate of the World, but I already have it. :(
i pre ordered, shame i dont fancy the games, and the links for the free album dont work, and the price was cheaper when i went on the site
sigh :(
Bah. That's three out of three I won't buy. Eufloria and Runespell are both fantastic games but I already own them (bought Runespell about three days ago, ha). And I have no interest in the others.

Two-pound-odd for Eufloria and Runespell is crazy though. I urge anyone who doesn't own those games to grab this bundle!
"pay what you want" is just daft in my opinion. Mainly because people are tight asses (unless there's a decent minimum).
Yep, Eufloria is great. Well worth it. And Runspell looked interesting when it came out. I'm hoping the others are fun too. The shooter probably isn't my cup of tea, but I'll give it atry too.
And Runspell looked interesting when it came out.

Runespell is brilliant. You know how Puzzle Quest (if you've played it) is a pleasant little RPG with quests and all that, and fights are fought on Bejewelled-like boards with special abilities swaying each fight? Runespell is exactly the same thing, only with poker instead of Bejewelled fights. You build up poker hands to damage your opponent and you can steal his cards, and he can do the same to you of course. Really great fun; it's one of those games that's as satisfying to play one battle as to make a night of it.
Preorder The New Year's Bundle

You can now blind pre-order Indie Royale's New Year's Bundle - which includes PC and Mac versions of all games - at a recommended €/£/$5 to €/£/$10 USD contribution, and a minimum of $3.99 USD.

The titles to be offered will include a premium blend of FPS and RTS (Steam for PC and Mac), an innovative single-player puzzle game (Steam for PC and Mac, Desura for PC, DRM-free PC and Mac download), an award-winning 2D platformer (Steam for PC and Mac, plus an enhanced version for Desura PC, DRM-free PC and Mac download) and a world premiere on PC/Mac for an acclaimed arcade shooter with a twist (Desura for PC, DRM-free PC and Mac download).

Those who optionally pre-order now will get game access as soon as the bundle launches, lock in their price, and receive as a bonus George & Jonathan's raved-about electronic chiptune funk album 'Beautiful Lifestyle' (this bonus is also available to those who pay more than the minimum price during the bundle.)

The New Year's Bundle will launch fully later this week at $2.99 USD and up - watch our Twitter feed or Facebook page for immediate notice at launch time.
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