For the middle class owning a house or two as BTLs, which I would love to do as a pension booster.
If you live in Dubai and own 200 houses in a limited company then the tax changes don't apply annoyingly.
The only scenario I see where BTL could work for me is if my girlfriend moves in then keep this house in my name, with her saving up 25% for a BTL deposit. This would avoid getting spanked for stamp duty.
I cannot comment on the south as I know prices are mental, but for anyone claiming they cannot buy a house in Stoke/Burton/Derby then they really need to have a look in the mirror. A friend just (as in <6m ago) sold her parent's two bed terrace with a garage in Fenton for 77k.
I live in Oxford/ Reading and the prices are mental here. That would be about 300 here I'd say.