Insect Id please


Harmless things that mimic more harmful insects:

If you are being chased by hoverflies, its because they are trying to drink your sweat. They often land on people just to do this and end up being swatted. They are also called 'sweat bees' due to drinking sweat as a survival mechanism.

Look up leaving some water out for them and bees, with an object they can use to climb out of if they fall in.
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We used to call those a Jasper when I was a kid. "Watch out for that wasp!". "Don't worry, it's just a Jasper". The Mrs is Bristolian too but she doesn't know what I'm on about.
Horseflies are grey and black.
Angry looking things.
Pic above looks more like a harmless hover fly as already suggested.


"Deer flies in the genus Chrysops are up to 10 mm (0.4 in) long, have yellow to black bodies and striped abdomens, and membranous wings with dark patches"
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