Insurance - Shopping around pays

Hate said:
nope, he went to santa pod for a run what you brung, the engineer found a "t piece" on the fuel line which "must have meant n0s"

the fact you dont plumb n0s into the fuel line...

Hmm skimming the thread... he told them that he wouldn't be doing any racing, yet he took his car to the POD - Clever! :confused:

Still so long as there's nothing dodgy about your car you'd be fine.

These insurance companies that specialise in modded cars etc and give discounts for car clubs aren't stupid. Given the chance most similar companies would have done a bit of checking and searching around, afterall it's in their best interest not to pay :p

Highway have since paid out so this is trivial really :)
TripleT said:
Hmm skimming the thread... he told them that he wouldn't be doing any racing, yet he took his car to the POD - Clever! :confused:

yeah, but it didn't break on the pod, thus theoretically he was covered by the insurance company.
zain said:
Did you try Hastings though? When I tried them they were not that popular and gave decent rates for under 21s

Hastings were comedy for me when trying 540i's and 750i's. The woman on the phone asked for the CC of the vehicle "5400", quite a young girl, she was a bit taken aback and asked if i was sure, i said i was, she then said that there is no chance in hell and proceeded to quote around £2500!

Nationwide want around £1100 for the same details.
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