Insurance trying to con me

Why is op ignoring good advice?
Saying you can't get it, isn't going to work.
You need to find adverts to show what it is worth.

This is standard insurance practice.
Or as said if you have a little space and effort, keep the bike and make a profit from parts.
Yh The cost of parts direct from manufacturers are astromical

No wonder they write so many bikes off

No one likes insurance companies, fine taking your money but try getting them to pay out
Why is op ignoring good advice?
Saying you can't get it, isn't going to work.
You need to find adverts to show what it is worth.

This is standard insurance practice.
Or as said if you have a little space and effort, keep the bike and make a profit from parts.

Not ignoring advise.
I've already told them how much its worth.
No where does the bike at less than £2599 brand new (its a yamaha ybr 2014 and had 150 miles on the clock and 1 month old)
Not even any used ones anywhere near, for the same model/year/condition/age.
They are obliged to replace the bike like for like or pay out the required money to buy the bike again as far as I'm concerned.
They have just said to me fine we will pass the details to the company who are dealing with the claim and have them call me to discuss the options I have.
I'm not chasing them, the only number they have is a premium rate number with stupidly long hold times. Already cost me over £10 just sitting on hold trying to get through.
I'm not going to sit down and loose £600+ on something which isn't my fault.
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Did the OP buy the bike on finance then?

There are many types of GAP Insurance... There are policies that cover the difference between book price and new price and also ones that will pay out the finance left. OP clearly has a problem losing £600 or so (understandably) but sadly this is what GAP insurance is for and if he didn't opt for that he may have to stump it up.

OP needs to find like for like bikes and send them to the insurance. Forget the "new" because your bike wasn't new, it was used, if you can't find anything that is used that's comparable that's when the new bikes come into play.
So after a quick search I can find a 14 plate with 900 miles on for £1899. Private sale, but never the less, available.
So after a quick search I can find a 14 plate with 900 miles on for £1899. Private sale, but never the less, available.

Yes, they are available, at places too far away to justify, from a PRIVATE seller, not a dealer. Already looked around, nothing sensible. I can't accept the £1900, go and buy a like for like buy tomorrow. It will be a long time before even a used one pops up anywhere near me (was looking months on end before I bought a new one as I got sick of looking)
Also with much more miles than mine had on (150 miles) and well used.
Already had a chat with MY insurance (claiming on his insurance), so my insurance have nothing to do with it.
According to them, they have to either replace the bike with a like for like (basically a new bike) or give me enough money to buy a like for like buy (basically new). Told the woman on the phone that and she didn't know what to say and just tried to fob me off and get me to accept the £1900.
Waiting on a callback from company who are dealing with the claim.
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I'm not fully agreeing with the system, but like for like is a low milage bike, it's not a brand new bike (even though it basically is). The market value for this is like has been mentioned is around £2000 odd if you take away the VAT you paid when you bought it new.
If you're not at fault, have you thought about going through an accident management company of your choosing?
Not ignoring advise.
I've already told them how much its worth.
No where does the bike at less than £2599 brand new (its a yamaha ybr 2014 and had 150 miles on the clock and 1 month old)
Not even any used ones anywhere near, for the same model/year/condition/age.
They are obliged to replace the bike like for like or pay out the required money to buy the bike again as far as I'm concerned.
They have just said to me fine we will pass the details to the company who are dealing with the claim and have them call me to discuss the options I have.
I'm not chasing them, the only number they have is a premium rate number with stupidly long hold times. Already cost me over £10 just sitting on hold trying to get through.
I'm not going to sit down and loose £600+ on something which isn't my fault.

It's not new, it's one month old.
Show them adverts for one month old bikes.
If you were claiming for your bike because of a crash that only involved you (in other words a self inflicted off ), you really wouldn't expect to get much more than you have been offered. But that isn't the case, you are the victim of a third party. As such you are fully entitled to be put back in the same position you were before the crash. There is loads of precedent for this across all spectrums of insurance. So if the third party's insurers don't fulfil that or don't want to, you have no choice but to go legal with them.
The law is fully on your side and they are completely aware of that. Tell them, don't ask, that you want an identical bike or the money to buy an identical bike. Also tell them you have every intention of taking them to court if this matter is not settled to your satisfaction in a timely fashion.
They just re-called me.
Basically said I have 3 options.

1. Accept the £1900
2. Get a local garage to do an evaluation
3. Get the third party insurance company to do a independent evaluation, which could be lower than the £1900 and if it is, I can't get the £1900 back.

Told the guy on the phone that the are LEGALLY obliged to put me back in the same position i was before the accident with either a like for like bike or the money to buy a like for like bike. He said because I'm only on TPFT insurance my policy doesn't cover that. Proceeded to tell him this is NOTHING to do with my insurance, its all the the third party's insurance and I'm fully covered under law with this.

They said they will give me a week to think about what I want to do. Some things insurance company's get away with is horrible....
What do I need to do for legal action? will it cost me?
Your insurance position is irrelevant, if you are claiming from someone else. Which you are.

If I was you I would ask in Motors about claim management companies etc. to help you out with this.
Albany Assistance are currently dealing with it (they are a claim management company) they are the ones who just called me to tell me the options.
Phoned them again and told them I want to make a complaint and if its not done to my satisfaction under the law, I will go to the ombudsman about it.
The Girl on the phone shut up and went to a manager.
Passed details to manager who will be in touch soon.
Phoned them again and told them I want to make a complaint and if its not done to my satisfaction under the law, I will go to the ombudsman about it.
The Girl on the phone shut up and went to a manager.
Passed details to manager who will be in touch soon.

You never know you might actually get somewhere now it's gone above the general script monkeys, or the manager will be just as bad :p
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