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Intel Arc series unveiled with the Alchemist dGPU to arrive in Q1 2022

Also, Intel's pockets are not that deep anymore.

Client computing, that's Core series CPU's, Operating Income is down 73%
Datacentre, Xeon ecte... Down 90%

They have just quit on Optane

Margins are now 46%, down from 50% last quarter, 2016 margins were 63%.

In the last week Intel have lost 25% of their market value.

The last slide, basically Intel are giving away their Xeon CPU's for cost.


whats that got to do with GPUS? any excuse to bash intel and you are there

how have they lost 25% of their market value in a week if there share price is only down like 8%

AMD YTD -37%
Why are their people stating rumors that Intel is canceling the dGPU?

Because youtube is home to bare faced fantasists who will spout every variation of a situation in the hope that one turns out then they can say they were right.

Some people on this forum willingly watch such entertainment channels then force the rest of us to hear it.
IMO why wait for a lower mid range Intel gpu anyway when you can currently pick up a brand new EVGA 2060 for £212. Better buy than even the 3050 at its MRSP, which hasn't been seen since launch. Seven months ago the scalpers would have snatched up all the stock of the EVGA at £212, now its been there for a few days. Hopefully Intel are just adjusting their plans for the current market and not going to pull out of the gpu market before they have even got started.
Hopefully Intel
You could always not watch wild speculation channels. The post just above you was Raja saying the usual suspects are talking out their ass for clicks again.

It's up to Intel to price what they currently have to be competitive and work on the known issues.
You could always not watch wild speculation channels. The post just above you was Raja saying the usual suspects are talking out their ass for clicks again.

It's up to Intel to price what they currently have to be competitive and work on the known issues.

I think if you watch the video it says that at this time there is no evidence that a decision has been made for intel to stop making discrete gpus.
You have to remind yourself that this is a hardware enthusiast forum particularly specific to the GPU topic. Whilst we take all the influencers with a grain of salt and rightly so, when we get wind of something it may have some momentum. I understand why people like to bash these paid-click shills etc. but equally you get strange apologists somewhat defending a brand that is not your friend.
Given Intel's history of abandoning projects - often after having poured billions into them - it is probably very easy to start rumours of them abandoning ARC so soon.

While their long-term commitment is an unknown, I feel they will at least give this a few years.

And the HPC compute cards I suspect they won't abandon as without them, what do they have to offer for super computer bids? Only really x86, and while x86 has come a very long way since 8086, 80286, and 80386 for super computers it is just baggage.
IMO why wait for a lower mid range Intel gpu anyway when you can currently pick up a brand new EVGA 2060 for £212. Better buy than even the 3050 at its MRSP, which hasn't been seen since launch. Seven months ago the scalpers would have snatched up all the stock of the EVGA at £212, now its been there for a few days. Hopefully Intel are just adjusting their plans for the current market and not going to pull out of the gpu market before they have even got started.


"Scalable chiplet space would be the key to leapfrogging Intel's competitors"

Really????? But of course..... its Intel, so i look forward to Intel "leapfrogging" Nvidia and AMD.

This has been the whole problem with this. MLID has been one of the most vocal people about how Intel will change the face of dGPU's, even barking back at their sceptics with insults like "If you don't believe that you're stupid, this is Intel"
Steve Burke and Linus especially acting like Intel marketing people, like Ryan Shrout himself spouting utter #### nonsense about the product and glossing over its problems, making themselves look like fools.

Intel are the ones to crush Nvidia and AMD, don't make me #### laugh, Intel haven't done anything even remotely inventive in decades, they have fallen so far behind AMD in the X86 space its not even funny. dGPU's are magnitudes more difficult, Wake up!

IMO why wait for a lower mid range Intel gpu anyway when you can currently pick up a brand new EVGA 2060 for £212. Better buy than even the 3050 at its MRSP
is the answer because a770 kills those cards in dx12 titles? and no one really plays old games yet everyone makes a big deal out of not being able to run halflife 2 at 1 million fps or something.
intel said they concentrated on the top 100 titles on steam, I'm assuming they mean the most played ones at the current time from this page https://store.steampowered.com/stats/

wow Humbug still trolling the intel threads, did intel kill your first born son or what
I'm really looking forward to testing ARC personally, reviews so far don't show the cards true potential

Cognitive dissonance, "This doesn't match my inflated expectations, so it can't be true, everyone is wrong, give it to me and i'll show you all how wrong you are"

Especially given someone has already manages to overclock the A380 by 60%

"There is that one thing i can latch on to to confirm my delusions"

This is not healthy for Intel either, just as "Poor Volta" and "overclockers dream" did serious damage to AMD's reputation, i think Ryan Shrout and Raja Koduri by themselves are toxic, the pair of them in the same company, wow, with all the money in the world Koduri couldn't design a half decent GPU if his job depended on it, but he is brilliant at convincing people he can work miracles, Shrout can stand in front of millions of people and tell then eating dog poo is good for them, with a perfectly straight face and a smile, and he would try, without shame if he thought he could get £2 out of it.
Cognitive dissonance, "This doesn't match my inflated expectations, so it can't be true, everyone is wrong, give it to me and i'll show you all how wrong you are"

"There is that one thing i can latch on to to confirm my delusions"

This is not healthy for Intel either, just as "Poor Volta" and "overclockers dream" did serious damage to AMD's reputation, i think Ryan Shrout and Raja Koduri by themselves are toxic, the pair of them in the same company, wow, with all the money in the world Koduri couldn't design a half decent GPU if his job depended on it, but he is brilliant at convincing people he can work miracles, Shrout can stand in front of millions of people and tell then eating dog poo is good for them, with a perfectly straight face and a smile, and he would try, without shame if he thought he could get £2 out of it.
Would you like Intel to do well so that we have 3 gpu brands out there?
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