The problem is its not even a duopoly, it is a monopoly.
People who think Intel are the answer to the problems in this space, IMO, are deluded.
Let me give you an example of why we are in this situation.
Hardware Unboxed reviewing the RX 6500, its not a good GPU, it deserves criticism, however what Hardware Unboxed did was contrive the review in such a away as to show it in its worst possible light, and then angrily hate on it.
The next review he did was of the RTX 3050, at its price point also not a great option, that review could not be more different, nothing but glowing high praise not just for the card but also Nvidia themselves, he even concluded that this $249 MSRP RTX 3050 is still worth buying at $450. Inevitably it then launched at $450 and lot of people bought them.
More over at the time the RX 6600, a much much better GPU was on the shelves at under $400, didn't even mention it, in recommending the RTX 3050 at $450 he pretended like the RX 6600 didn't even exist.
Thank you very much Steve Walton.
-Jensen Huang
IMO some tech journalists complaining about this situation are deluded hypocrites, they are part of the problem.