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Intel Arc series unveiled with the Alchemist dGPU to arrive in Q1 2022

This thread seems to have devolved into taking a gigantic dump on Intels initial try at a gaming GPU. Personally I’m rooting for them, imo a third player is good for consumers.
This thread seems to have devolved into taking a gigantic dump on Intels initial try at a gaming GPU. Personally I’m rooting for them, imo a third player is good for consumers.
yea and it's done by 2 people.

constantly bashing intel.

they both seem to post at the same time as well kinda often like it's either the same person or they live together and just want to troll, not just in this thread either
Interesting piece on Fudzilla: https://www.fudzilla.com/news/55242-intel-arc-alchemist-might-be-axed

"Intel's Arc Alchemist might never see a release because of unfixable hardware flaws making for a laughable performance.

The dark satanic rumour mill says that voices inside Chipzilla are calling to scrap Intel's entire Arc discrete graphics line.
Moore's Law is Dead said that the Arc is being dragged down by internal politics and handbag duels at dawn over the company's graphics unit being unable to deliver the much-hyped discrete graphics cards.
At the heart of the issue is a potentially unfixable hardware flaw in the Arc Alchemist GPU that the graphics unit had hoped to address using a driver fix, but that fix isn't working. To make matters worse the problem extends to Battlemage.
The Intel Arc graphics unit has been doing PR for Arc Alchemist cards that Intel told investors would have launched to western markets by the end of the second quarter of this year. We are now in Q3 and there has been sod all in the shops.
Intel AIB partners who, according to a purportedly leaked presentation, were lined up to produce Intel Arc cards starting at the end of July have no idea what is going on and the AIBs are not happy bunnies.
[Kicking] Pat Gelsinger, Intel's CEO apparently has a file on his desk suggesting that Arc discrete graphics project should be binned. Gelsinger acknowledged the disappointing earnings and said that while the global chip shortage was still very much an issue, problems of "execution" on Intel's part also contributed to Intel's falling far short of earnings expectations for Q2.
Intel's AXG chief Raja Koduri tweeted Intel's commitment to Arc Alchemist this year.
"We are very much committed to our roadmap," Koduri said. "We are ramping Alchemist and will continue to improve the experience. You will see more updates from us this quarter. AXG is also on track to ramp 4 new product lines by the end of the year.""
Interesting piece on Fudzilla: https://www.fudzilla.com/news/55242-intel-arc-alchemist-might-be-axed

"Intel's Arc Alchemist might never see a release because of unfixable hardware flaws making for a laughable performance.

The dark satanic rumour mill says that voices inside Chipzilla are calling to scrap Intel's entire Arc discrete graphics line.
Moore's Law is Dead said that the Arc is being dragged down by internal politics and handbag duels at dawn over the company's graphics unit being unable to deliver the much-hyped discrete graphics cards.
At the heart of the issue is a potentially unfixable hardware flaw in the Arc Alchemist GPU that the graphics unit had hoped to address using a driver fix, but that fix isn't working. To make matters worse the problem extends to Battlemage.
The Intel Arc graphics unit has been doing PR for Arc Alchemist cards that Intel told investors would have launched to western markets by the end of the second quarter of this year. We are now in Q3 and there has been sod all in the shops.
Intel AIB partners who, according to a purportedly leaked presentation, were lined up to produce Intel Arc cards starting at the end of July have no idea what is going on and the AIBs are not happy bunnies.
[Kicking] Pat Gelsinger, Intel's CEO apparently has a file on his desk suggesting that Arc discrete graphics project should be binned. Gelsinger acknowledged the disappointing earnings and said that while the global chip shortage was still very much an issue, problems of "execution" on Intel's part also contributed to Intel's falling far short of earnings expectations for Q2.
Intel's AXG chief Raja Koduri tweeted Intel's commitment to Arc Alchemist this year.
"We are very much committed to our roadmap," Koduri said. "We are ramping Alchemist and will continue to improve the experience. You will see more updates from us this quarter. AXG is also on track to ramp 4 new product lines by the end of the year.""

While at AMD Koduri insisted he had full control of their GPU segment, to the point where it was detached and rebranded "The Radeon Technologies Group" RTG, what Koduri delivered, as we all know, was absolute trash, large, inefficient, slow and riddled with problems, a lot like ARC.

This is not healthy for Intel either, just as "Poor Volta" and "overclockers dream" did serious damage to AMD's reputation, i think Ryan Shrout and Raja Koduri by themselves are toxic, the pair of them in the same company, wow, with all the money in the world Koduri couldn't design a half decent GPU if his job depended on it, but he is brilliant at convincing people he can work miracles, Shrout can stand in front of millions of people and tell then eating dog poo is good for them, with a perfectly straight face and a smile, and he would try, without shame if he thought he could get £2 out of it.
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The consensus in the tech press was that AMD couldn't provide Koduri with the resources to build a good GPU, and that at Intel he would work miracles.

Well, while Vega was problematic, large, power hungry and slow, at least it worked.
IMO the only thing for it is to do what Dr Lisa Sue did.

Take control of the GPU division, put Koduri on a 'sabbatical' for a while until its time for him to 'resign', take a good look at everyone he hired, find an actually good GPU architect and start again.

And while you're at it, Gelsinger, Shrout could do with a sabbatical too.
what utter nonsense, yea sack all of intel because of some rumours floating around from youtubers.

humbug trawling the thread against with his biased hateful comments.

It's amazing my posts in the AMD cpu thread got deleted for apparently being off topic but htis guy is constantly in intel thread bashing them any chance he gets.....
If any of this true, then those rumours a while ago about the GPU driver team not being able deliver were basically slander.

The only inside Intel who stood to gain from them would have been the head of GPU hardware team.

And if it comes out that Koduri's department started those rumours to pre-emptively put the failings of ARC elsewhere?

Well, that's a whole other level of cynicism and would speak very badly of Intel's culture and future. Because it basically says, that the GPU driver team leader should have spend less time trying to fix drivers for broken hardware but instead should spent 80% or so of their time playing politics and start a leak that it was the hardware which was faulty and unfixable.

Maybe the zen (lower case) of project management at Intel is to spend more and more time covering you posterior, looking for a fall guy (or girl), while spending less and less time actually doing anything useful?
I sincerely hope Intel can sort it out, because otherwise we'd have to either root for a Chinese player (Zhaoxin, Glenfly) or hope for the return of some long lost player with relevant IP (Matrox? Is there any other old player still in business?), in both cases the likehood of success tends to drop and that means the duopoly can keep high prices.
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