MLID makes a few good points, there is no evidence that ARC is something "designed for modern API's" even with DX12 performance is all over the place, and the reasoning given for needing ReBar was again claimed to be because "its a modern Memory Controller"
Its obvious nonsense, its the audacity to sit there with a perfectly straight face like this with this poo.
This sort of thing is a pet-pev of mine, it comes from a lack of respect of their audience, like they think they are talking to stupid people, its indicative of the attitude of these people and when one has been watching them for many years of the same sort of nonsense the rumours that they have internal politics problems rings absolutely true, if they can behave like this in their marketing i have no doubt they rub eachother up the wrong way constantly.
I've said it before, IMO Ryan Shrout is cancer, however, he probably fits in quite well with what's already there.
I want a third competitor, but Intel keep reminding me why i like seeing them suffer, do the decent thing Intel, for once in your 40+ years of existence, sell ARC to someone who knows what they are doing, please.