Oh dear, I appear to have touched a nerve. No need to get offensive though.
Not sure what a serial box is? Don't recall them on the shelf in PC World. I'll assume you just can't spell when angry and you meant Cornflakes .... I wasn't aware the University of Salford was selling qualifications via that method. I could have saved many years of valuable learning and knowledge had I known I could pick one up at Tesco's with a pint of milk. Could have saved £40 on that book on Microprocessor architecture as well.
As for the kit in my sig, let me explain. TL;DR - your pricing assumptions are incorrect and I need single core performance. I'm
It's used for iRacing which bottlenecks on the graphics rendering thread with triples or VR, which uses a single core only. More IPC and more clock speed is king and there's no need for any more than 4 cores at the moment. For this usage Kaby-Lake X can be a bit of a bargain. I picked the 7740X up secondhand for a lot less than the price of a new 7600K, seller had used it for less than a week to test a video editing machine before buying an i9. Motherboard was on half price offer and cost less than a similar Z270 board. If I need more cores, then I can happily upgrade to a 7820X or faster in the future.
If I'd built a Ryzen rig for iRacing then I'd get similar performance at best to my 5 year old Haswell machine. For general usage I'd happily buy a Ryzen though, no fanboi tendencies here - see it's even got a Vega in it!