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Intel has a Pretty Big Problem..

6 Dec 2013
We still don't know how much may or may not be related to batches of the CPUs, etc. even a lot of these reports are quite vague and based on best case interpretation of data which may or may not tell the whole story.

Unfortunately I don't know anyone who does any significant hosting of Minecraft let alone on 14900s to see what the wider take is on that, those I do are using Skylake based Xeons still.
you seem hung up on the what we dont knows, we do know cpus are failing, we can both agree on that right? normally when a cpu fails, people generally go through rma, again il ask the question for the 3rd time to really drive it home! we can safely assume people are doing this as they don't want defective chips, what's intel big plan for replacement? again why does batch matter in general terms to the point of warranty replacement. im not sure you fully comprehend the magnitude of the issue.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
there was a report somewhere from Minecraft server provider stating on 13 and 14th gen intel cpus, there was 100% failure rate or something to that effect. you are right we don't know the scale, but that doesnt matter really does it? why would scale ever matter to the point of replacement. still doesnt change the fact that people are and will be affected and so my point still stands, what do they replace them with? more of the same? cpu development is done years in advance and so its not like they can just pull the next gen of the pipeline, its likely not even made yet. still going through testing or whatever

That level of failure rate should worry every one who has one, sure in this case they run 24/7 and at a higher stress rate, but all that means is the failure rate is accelerated, it indicates there is something fundamentally wrong with them, they shouldn't be failing, they should operate like this for years.

Also the used market, would one trust one of these on the used market?

Exactly, what do they replace them with? and more to the point, why are they still selling them?


Because nothing to see here, if they take them off the market investors are going to want to know why.
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6 Dec 2013
That level of failure rate should worry every one who has one, sure in this case they run 24/7 and at a higher stress rate, but all that means is the failure rate is accelerated, it indicates there is something fundamentally wrong with them, they shouldn't be failing, they should operate like this for years.

Also the used market, would one trust one of these on the used market?

https://alderongames.com/intel-crashes just incase you missed my follow up post

ps if they have to wait for Bartlett they will be waiting without a cpu for mooooonths
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
you seem hung up on the what we dont knows, we do know cpus are failing, we can both agree on that right? normally when a cpu fails, people generally go through rma, again il ask the question for the 3rd time to really drive it home! we can safely assume people are doing this as they don't want defective chips, what's intel big plan for replacement? again why does batch matter in general terms to the point of warranty replacement. im not sure you fully comprehend the magnitude of the issue.

Are you referring to people's reaction or actual hardware fault when saying magnitude of the issue? because we still don't have facts when it comes to the actual extent of the hardware failure despite a lot of people running away with the story. If Intel is dealing with a mass of customers whose reaction is to reject the 14th gen outright just in case then that is another matter again.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
https://alderongames.com/intel-crashes just incase you missed my follow up post

ps if they have to wait for Bartlett they will be waiting without a cpu for mooooonths

Yeah i saw that.

Intel will make them wait, other than refund what else can they do?

Its also no coincidence that this late in the Raptorlake CPU cycle they are making a whole host of new SKU's and the high end ones don't have any E-Cores, these are your RMA replacements because a lot more of them are going to start failing as time goes on....
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6 Dec 2013
Are you referring to people's reaction or actual hardware fault when saying magnitude of the issue? because we still don't have facts when it comes to the actual extent of the hardware failure despite a lot of people running away with the story. If Intel is dealing with a mass of customers whose reaction is to reject the 14th gen outright just in case then that is another matter again.
im simply asking the question that when these failures occur, which they are doing, and joe blogs asks intel for an RMA what is intels plan for replacing the chip.

you are saying we dont know the extent or scale of the problem right, but if they even have to replace even one chip they need a plan. people arnt running away with anything, this is how the news works, they report it and then people either listen to it and learn from it or ignore it and bury there head. you dont need all of the facts about a cpu failure to see there is an issue with it, its clearly reported by quite a few different hosting providers/Game devs etc thats not normal when in the last 20 years have you seen more than 1 game developer say there was a problem with cpus and there failing at more than 50% rate and thats the magnitude of the issue. since your underplaying the isuse im curious to know what you think intels plans are for replacement of failed cpus.
6 Dec 2013
Yeah i saw that.

Intel will make them wait, other than refund what else can they do?

Its also no coincidence that this late in the Raptorlake CPU cycle they are making a whole host of new SKU's and the high end ones don't have any E-Cores, these are your RMA replacements because a lot more of them are going to start failing as time goes on....
this is my point ultimately, there is nothing they can do and if that's the case people are going to very upset/angry/annoyed etc
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
this is my point ultimately, there is nothing they can do and if that's the case people are going to very upset/angry/annoyed etc

Yeah... and other than making defective CPU's to start with this isn't Intel's fault, as Steve Burke put it they can't just keep you supplied by replacing defective CPU's with defective CPU's until the warranty runs out... You're going to have to wait for Bartlett Lake.

And isn't it interesting that one of the theories is Intel put too many E-Cores on the 14900K and that was causing the cache to burn up, the 14901K (Bartlett Lake) has 12 P-Cores and no E-Cores.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
im simply asking the question that when these failures occur, which they are doing, and joe blogs asks intel for an RMA what is intels plan for replacing the chip.

you are saying we dont know the extent or scale of the problem right, but if they even have to replace even one chip they need a plan. people arnt running away with anything, this is how the news works, they report it and then people either listen to it and learn from it or ignore it and bury there head. you dont need all of the facts about a cpu failure to see there is an issue with it, its clearly reported by quite a few different hosting providers/Game devs etc thats not normal when in the last 20 years have you seen more than 1 game developer say there was a problem with cpus and there failing at more than 50% rate and thats the magnitude of the issue. since your underplaying the isuse im curious to know what you think intels plans are for replacement of failed cpus.

I don't get your point - there is already a plan if even one fails, it is a different story if there are huge failure rates or customers in mass react whether their CPUs are faulty or not.
26 May 2017
Are you referring to people's reaction or actual hardware fault when saying magnitude of the issue? because we still don't have facts when it comes to the actual extent of the hardware failure despite a lot of people running away with the story. If Intel is dealing with a mass of customers whose reaction is to reject the 14th gen outright just in case then that is another matter again.
What percentage failiure rate is acceptable 0.1% - 10% - 50%?
So do we just wait till we know
26 May 2017
I don't get your point - there is already a plan if even one fails, it is a different story if there are huge failure rates or customers in mass react whether their CPUs are faulty or not.
Are you suggesting that Intel really don't know how big this problem is?
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
What percentage failiure rate is acceptable 0.1% - 10% - 50%?
So do we just wait till we know

How many people actually have a CPU which is faulting and is actually this fault? (not discounting that it is entirely possible a large percentage go on to develop faults but that is far from proven yet).

There isn't really an acceptable failure rate but it is never going to be 0.
6 Dec 2013
I don't get your point - there is already a plan if even one fails, it is a different story if there are huge failure rates or customers in mass react whether their CPUs are faulty or not.
everything ive seen you post is really quite clever and you come of as quite a smart person, so im not sure how you don't understand my point. your saying no one has encountered the problem now since i last posted, ive given you a link by a game developer and its only 1 of the many you can find on google. to say they have had a failed cpu and in this case ALL of them have failed. the point is currently intel cant replace them, they literally have no solution to replace rmad cpus due to this failure, unless the problem is a software problem and they can fix it and then replace the cpus, they would be replacing defective CPUs with more defective cpus...
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
How many people actually have a CPU which is faulting and is actually this fault? (not discounting that it is entirely possible a large percentage go on to develop faults but that is far from proven yet).

There isn't really an acceptable failure rate but it is never going to be 0.

That's one way to downplay it..... gaslighting.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
IMHO (judgeing by thier reactions to date) Intel does know. Certainly a lot more than they are admitting.

Certainly the seemingly change of direction with Bartlett CPUs could be read ad an indication.

everything ive seen you post is really quite clever and you come of as quite a smart person, so im not sure how you don't understand my point. your saying no one has encountered the problem now since i last posted, ive given you a link by a game developer and its only 1 of the many you can find on google. to say they have had a failed cpu and in this case ALL of them have failed. the point is currently intel cant replace them, they literally have no solution to replace rmad cpus due to this failure, unless the problem is a software problem and they can fix it and then replace the cpus, they would be replacing defective CPUs with more defective cpus...

I'm not saying no one has encountered the problem. But there is still a lot of unknowns over the failures - we still don't know if currently or recent production 14th gen CPUs are affected by this or not so it makes the whole replacement situation a lot of hypotheticals.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
they have already posted a statement on it, so they do know, weather they want to accept it due to brand impact or not is another matter :D

They are aware there is an issue, but that doesn't tell us whether they know the extent or even fully understand the issue or not. They've mostly been saying these are things they've discovered while investigating the issue without elaborating as to the extent that it covers the reported problem(s) - they may even be new problems they've found.

Problem is there is a lot of circular reinforcement of this issue in the tech media kicking up a big fuss, but still not a lot of information that really nails down the details and lots of open questions in reality.

There are loads of other UE5 developers for example who've so far not reported issues or reported encountering issues anything like as widespread as 1-2 sources are.
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6 Dec 2013
They are aware there is an issue, but that doesn't tell us whether they know the extent or even fully understand the issue or not. They've mostly been saying these are things they've discovered while investigating the issue without elaborating as to the extent that is covers the reported problem(s).

Problem is there is a lot of circular reinforcement of this issue in the tech media kicking up a big fuss, but still not a lot of information that really nails down the details and lots of open questions in reality.
big companies like intel will go out of there way to not report all of the facts, due to having shareholders and not wanting there brand Damaged, everyone in the server world knows they can rely on an intel cpu, it might not be the fastest but it certainly never fails. intel relys on this to sell the product, now imagine after the current situation the brand impact, is intel going to ever want to admit to the extent of the problem? your saying wait for the extent, but realistically unless everyone comes fourth and reports it intel certainly arnt going to. the media coverage forces big companies to be accountable, without it goodluck
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