US: Into the Badlands

Like it surprisingly - managed to bring a few new elements to a done to death genre - stuff like the attention to detail in the fights where he is making use of the strategic points in the room to control how many enemy can come at him at once, etc. and a few new moves I've not seen before.

Pity it wasnt Donnie Yen. I think Daniel was trying to model himself after him. Cant wait to see him in Star Wars

Here a scene from Donnie Yen's Ip Mun for comparison

Nice of them to politely wait their turn while he pointlessly pummelled the guy on the floor who was exposed and easily disabled with a lot less effort. Preferred the fight choreography in badlands - even though a bit impossible it was tactically sound doing the minimum to put each opponent out of the fight (i.e. blow to the leg then moving out of the range they could hobble) while retaining a strong position and an exit strategy.
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Wow, loving this show already! action is the best i have seen in any show for a long time. The setting looks great, the room for expansion seems large also as they are not realy going to be able to touch on any where near the half of it's possibility's in 6 episodes.
I hope it doesn't also, but its getting mixed reviews
around the 51-55%.
So the yanks haven't really taken to it sadly

Apparently The Walking Dead fans are down rating it. The promo for the following week's episode doesn't air right at the end of TWD episodes anymore and instead they need to wait until Into The Badlands first commercial break to see it each week. Resulting in much internet fury.
This better not get cancelled!

The first fight was flipping epic this week!

You can really tell when it is chinese martial arts fight choregraphy. Surprised more shows don't use them more often.

Can only think of highlander as another tv show adding it. Sorry for referring to Donnie Yen again.

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Still enjoying this so far - the action is easy to follow (well thought out camera angles/tracking, etc.) mildly innovative and while obviously very over the top there is minimal extraneous fluff - fancy moves are generally employed tactically rather than just added in for flair - everything feels like it might be used in a real fight even if physically impossible.
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Yeah, this show is very good. Was not sure what to expect, pleasantly suprised at how good it is.

Watched Marvels Jessica Jones after watching this and it felt like such a chore getting through the first episode.

As mentioned, I hope this does not get canceled.
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This has been renewed for a season 2 :D

I hope they order a lot more than 6 episodes though!
This has been renewed for a season 2 :D

I hope they order a lot more than 6 episodes though!

Daniel Wu removed it from his facebook page and AMC haven't confirmed it either. Hopefully it just means he jumped the gun announcing it before they were ready to. They kept renewing Hell on Wheels for years even though hardly anyone watched it so i can't see them not giving this a chance :)
This is actually quite good baring the main actor and the boy (MK) whom can't act to save their lives. The rest of the cast are good and there are some rather nice ladies as well.
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This is actually quite good baring the main actor and the boy (MK) whom can't act to save their lives. The rest of the cast are good and there are some rather nice ladies as well.

The quality of acting generally isn't great - but given the premise it doesn't break it too much that some are playing their characters way over the top and badly. Its not really too critical in this style of TV show though fortunately - sadly the ones that are doing a good job are more minor roles.
The poppy baron is an amazing actor.

The only thing that's starting to get me is the fight scenes seem to be realistic to a great extent only to suddenly throw the middle finger to physics part every so often.

Regardless of my only critique I love it.
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The only thing that's starting to get me is the fight scenes seem to be realistic to a great extent only to suddenly throw the middle finger to physics part every so often.

Regardless of my only critique I love it.

Of course they do, that's the entire ethos behind wirework and wire-fu.
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The poppy baron is an amazing actor.

The only thing that's starting to get me is the fight scenes seem to be realistic to a great extent only to suddenly throw the middle finger to physics part every so often.

Regardless of my only critique I love it.

Quinn is a great character, The wire fighting is slightly annoying yes, but it fit's well.

The Widow is also very attractive, so far i'm really enjoying this.
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