Got my SL4000 yesterday. Was a pain to put together. The bottom mechanism wasn't fitting correctly, 3 out 4 screws went fine but the last one was going in at an angle and stopped after about 3 turns and at a 30 degree angle so I couldn't even try to cross thread it. My brother had a good idea to pull the problem corner away from the base which allowed quite a few good turns into the thread which then forced everything together. Wider slots on the mech would be better if their machining is off.
So after using it all of yesterdays evening so far I'm sad to say I'm not all that impressed, but it's not exclusive to, Vertagear, AK and DX measure just the same and I would have the same issue. My shoulder blades are resting on the backrest wings so my upper back is away from the chair and has no support at all, if I push my shoulders forward then I slip in but now my arms are restricted. The seat base I fit in no problem but I like to have my legs apart when sitting which I cannot comfortably do as the bolsters on these chairs are in the way and push into my legs and if I sit with my legs together then I'm squashing my gentleman's parts.
I'm gunna use it today and see how I feel tomorrow morning but the prognosis isn't looking good, I'm 90% sure I'll be sending it back, I need a wider base and back or an open base and back, something like the DXRacer Maximum. While not an open back it's much larger and the base doesn't have bolsters.
So after using it all of yesterdays evening so far I'm sad to say I'm not all that impressed, but it's not exclusive to, Vertagear, AK and DX measure just the same and I would have the same issue. My shoulder blades are resting on the backrest wings so my upper back is away from the chair and has no support at all, if I push my shoulders forward then I slip in but now my arms are restricted. The seat base I fit in no problem but I like to have my legs apart when sitting which I cannot comfortably do as the bolsters on these chairs are in the way and push into my legs and if I sit with my legs together then I'm squashing my gentleman's parts.
I'm gunna use it today and see how I feel tomorrow morning but the prognosis isn't looking good, I'm 90% sure I'll be sending it back, I need a wider base and back or an open base and back, something like the DXRacer Maximum. While not an open back it's much larger and the base doesn't have bolsters.