Invasion (Apple TV)

Watched the 3 episodes, I'm sort of disappointed. Reminded me of a mix between Sense8 and The Leftovers. It had the multiple story arcs of the individual groups who no doubt be interlinked as we progress further All the groups had a rather dull story and I actually had to fast forward the school kids story, too annoying. All shot and told in rather pretentious way much like The Leftovers.

I'll keep watching just to find what's happening but had zero interest any of the characters.
This is SO SO bad. Just awful. Slow, boring, crappy drama around characters I don't give two hoots about. First episde was OK, but clearly just because Sam Neil is so good. Just the worst kind of TV junk.

Had to laugh at their attempt at space too, with the astronaught being swung about on a harness. Talk about cheap.

Ep 1: 6/10. Ep 2-3: 2/10.
Watched eps1&2 last night, and will watch the 3rd tonight. Not sure what to think - the muted colour pallette is quite annoying for starters. The cornfields and nice overhead scenery look very dull.

I'm going to give it a chance because as mentioned, the mini story arcs will intertwine at some point.

Edit: 3rd episode was a downer. I can handle the typical family drama nonsense that is sadly the norm for some time but a lack of 'alien' or invasion moments made for a dull eps.
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If I didn't have this show on whilst kinda working, I'd probably give up. It's odd. Very slow and the story is bizarre. Like 'Signs' level of what the hell is going on but without the obvious aliens.
I'm still not really sure what the **** is happening after 2 episodes.
Really enjoyed episode 4, the family story arc is annoying but the rest are good. Best bit for me was the Radiohead frontman at the end - absolutely epic.

Watched the first episode, definitely has the potential to go somewhere. Will be watching.
after 4 episodes it goes nowhere

it's like a low budget BBC or ITV series of the 90s

seems like a drama series

The last good invasion series were probably the original V and then Colony.
colony got cancelled even though it was kinda good, then we get people making a worse show where I don't think we even saw an alien, or anything extraterrestrial but my mind may have collapsed in on it self during one of the episodes.
Oh jesus, I watched EP4 last night, I think this is one of the worst shows I've ever watched, it's a load of ****.

No characters, no script, no plot, nothing really happening at all... Load of absolute garbage.
The whole school kid story is stupid.

They managed to survive a 50ft+ drop into a quarry without a scratch (except for the teacher).
They also managed to fall into the only quarry in the world with no exit road.

Ironically, it's all filmed near Castleton a couple of miles from me.
Wow...almost 4 hours in and not a single thing about the actual invasion...this is an invasion of my patience
This absolutely I'm still gonna finish it though as i feel I've already invested 4 hours of my life . Why does the trailer look epic but in reality it's slow and boring with annoying little kids
Saw episode 4 today. Can’t believe I’ve found a damp squib on AppleTV. 4 episodes in and I’m still questioning THAT split second scene in the hospital that made no sense.

I keep telling myself that we’re in for a major revelation in this show, but I can’t see it.

The decisions of a lot of characters is quite odd too. This show makes Under The Dome look decent so far.
This is like the Walking Dead version of an Alien invasion... blah blah blah blah blah oooh something happened, end... Blah blah blah rinse and repeat
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