iOS 7 Expectations & Wants

I think HTC's new Sense and Blinkfeed homescreen is beautiful on the HTC One, that sort of design but keeping the traditional iOS format would be great.

Flat, simplistic but with clarity.

So basically like Windows Phone UI (which the Blinkfeed has been "inspired" by). I agree though, I loved WP and although the Blinkfeed is useless to me it is stunning. Make iOS more like that (and less icons all over the place) and I may actually buy an iPhone...

They sorted the hardware out with the 4 and the screen out (sorta) with the 5, maybe iOS 7 will be when they sort the software out. Just need to junk iTunes and it's stupid sync issues then all would be stunning!
I still don't think Android is anywhere near up to the level of iOS. That's just my personal opinion though.

Even using the latest version was laggy and it doesn't have that polished feel about it. Most of the apps haven't a clue if they are running on a phone or a tablet :rolleyes: Suppose that's down to the app devs but still.

I know what you mean, it all seems very well optimised when using anything on iOS (as long as the device is compatible), and it seems to be due to the number of iOS devices compared to Android. I can see myself going back to iPhones in the future as long as they keep making top devices, simply for that and the ability to have all the Apple devices working effortlessly together.

But on my HTC One, I find everything very snappy and very smooth. The Kii keyboard is a total winner for me too, and I would love it to make its way to iOS. But no swipy keyboards please! :p
The Android keyboard in general (includes downloads) are absolutely horrible. Accuracy is poor and the design of it showing you what keys youve hit are horrific. You can barely see what youve hit.

Utter rubbish, the standard 4.2 keyboard is infinitely better than the iOS one, tapping individual letters is prehistoric, swiping is where it's at.
I know what you mean, it all seems very well optimised when using anything on iOS (as long as the device is compatible), and it seems to be due to the number of iOS devices compared to Android. I can see myself going back to iPhones in the future as long as they keep making top devices, simply for that and the ability to have all the Apple devices working effortlessly together.

But on my HTC One, I find everything very snappy and very smooth. The Kii keyboard is a total winner for me too, and I would love it to make its way to iOS. But no swipy keyboards please! :p

HTC One is the first Android handset to have a build quality that matches the iPhone. How long has it taken? grrh
A Better Keyboard

Due to the open nature of Android's keyboard implementation (letting anyone at it) this was probably always going to happen. SwiftKey utterly creams the iOS keyboard in every possible way. I'd suggest a purchase or an "inspired" update in this area.

^^^ this. A decent trace keyboard is a must. Miss it dearly from my various Nexii and having such a keyboard is an absolute necessity I think.... that's just me though, so everyone else might disagree!
New UI, proper multitasking and widgets/live tiles (well hopefully something different than either) .
Also be nice not to get extremely frustrated with basic tasks.
Sharing between apps, file transfer and a 1001 other small areas they've decided to keep restricted despite it no longer being the first smartphone.

But can't see them innovating and can't see them holting their plummeting trend in the near future. but then they are a high end product and don't really need marketshare, but then that could end up having a negative effect on there app lead.
but then they are a high end product and don't really need marketshare, but then that could end up having a negative effect on there app lead.

I doubt it very much given the relative spending habits of iOS and Android users. Apple could have half the share they do now and they'd still be the preferred platform as their users actually pay for things.
If they avoid underwhelming people (just flattening the UI is not going to cut it) and don't drop another clanger like Apple Maps then they'll be fine.

Just as interesting is going to be what they don't mention - touch, iOS/OSX unification, evolving the iPad into a more capable device etc.

Nice. I really can't wait to see what they've done.

I like iOS as it is now - the main reason I'm not eager to change is the stability and the superior quality of apps compared to Android, if they freshen up the design and make it look awesome then... :cool:

Also, it's Apple's first real test since creating the modern smartphone and tablet markets, coming up with a piece of software that really sets a new standard while not becoming too much like Android. No easy task, but if done right it will shut up all the moaners too.
I can't see any revolutionary things happening, would be nice to loosen up some restrictions to allow third-party apps to become the default apps for things like e-mail, the keyboard etc.

With the current hardware available and curation of the App store there's no longer any reason to have such a closed system IMO and it would take a lot of pressure off Apple to be coming up with 'the next big thing' software or feature-wise.
I doubt they'll change it drastically in terms of how you use it - cosmetically it might be quite different though. Either way, I'll be glued to my computer Monday night undoubtedly. /nerd
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