A very entertaining post and you know what? You are right, from my point of view everything apple release of late just isn't doing it for me. iOS 7 feels like a half baked cross between iOS and Android, missing the mark.
My son has a toy phone that looks like iOS7.
I have an I pad 4 and it updated to IOS7 fine , bug I'm feeling a vast difference in battery life to the point that it's probably halved , anyone else having the same problem ? Do I need to turn something else off ?
On ipad 2 and battery life is shocking with ios7. It's so bad I'm going to have to stick 6 back on.
For me on the mini it also took longer to charge for some reason.
I'm at 65% with 4hrs usage and 1 day standby.
Did you try the DFU restore?
On ipad 2 and battery life is shocking with ios7. It's so bad I'm going to have to stick 6 back on.