Is it just me that finds common things more difficult than before?
Reducing brightness takes longer, as does changing apps. Two things which I do a lot.
It's ****ing annoying.
How can reducing brightness take longer when you just have to swipe up and then drag left?
Anyone installed it on Ipad2, worried about it slowing it down even more, than it already is.
my iPhone 4S had a totally flat battery this morning. It had a full charge are 7PM and by 8AM was so flat it needed 20 minutes of charging before it switched on. Looks like it downloaded 7.02 all by itself overnight as it then invited me to install it. Glad it was via wifi and not 3g.
Like most here, I find the colours of ios7 very odd. I also hate the words chosen in things like deleting emails and SMS where it invites you to trash them.
Have to say my iPhone does not feel so special anymore.
Has the calendar changed? I used to just tap a day and it lists what was on at the bottom of the screen. Trying to find when I was next meeting with a client earlier involved going in a day, scroll, out the day, and so on, for 3 weeks of individual days. Am I doing it wrong?
Click the magnifying glass top right for a decent condensed view of upcoming events. A bit odd but not terrible.
Maybe I'm a bit weird but I rather like the calendar app!
Just realised, but if you want to bring the buttons back up in Safari, you don't need to scroll up slightly, you can just tap the bottom of the screen. Everybody probably already knew that however
Any news on when 7.03 is going to be released, its such a buggy os its doing my head in.