Ipad 2 issues anyone? backlight bleeding?

19 Dec 2010
Anyone else getting blacklight bleed from there new ipad?

I suggest running iplayer, watch something on full brightness so you have black bars top and bottom and go into apitch dark room.

I have on mine, its not good and will be going back.
How bad is bad? All LCD displays exhibit some backlight bleed, which is going to be obvious at 100% brightness in a dark room ;)

Got a pic?
After searching it seems its a very common problem. I bought mine from Comet, i hope i dont have to take it back there. The people that work in these places wont even understand what im on about.
So there's an issue which you can only see when you display something at maximum brightness in a "pitch dark room".

How often do you plan on doing that?
So there's an issue which you can only see when you display something at maximum brightness in a "pitch dark room".

How often do you plan on doing that?

To be fair thats not the point, everyone pays top wack for apples premium products, so they have to be perfect. It's like buying a bag of tesco premium apples and finding there no different to the value ones. But of course there not; they are much better quality, which you would expect them to be.
Think I stick with my iPad 1 for a while see if apple fix this problem first as i hate bleeds hence reason I have a Plasma TV... My iPad 1 does not bleed thou
Some of those in that MR thread are really bad. I'd want a replacement, and I've had monitors with dead pixels before that didn't really bother me so I wouldn't say I was especially picky.
I don't usually watch a black screen in a dark room with the brightness on 100% on my iPad but if that's how some people want to spend you lives then it's up to them :D I just don't see how it's a big problem on something like the iPad which is used mostly for web surfing unless the lighting problems were a visible distraction during normal use.
Mine is bad. 50% brightness and it's really noticeable when playing games that have any black.
Will be going back one apple have fixed the issue with production.
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