Common misconception about iPhones is they're fool proof. They're dumbed down, but definitely not fool proof. Some simple tasks can be infuriating on iPhones.
I also used to find it wasn't overly responsive to being unlocked either. I also hate the way the back function can work differently depending on the app you're in.
I was starting to think the 90hz screen might be a gimmick on the pixel 5 but compared with my work iPhone it makes it look juddery and slow.
As for the task view gesture being rubbish on Android, that makes me think it must be a OnePlus or Samsung trait as it works first time every time in my pixel 5; swipe up from bottom, hold, wait for the haptic feedback, and there it is. First time every time.
In fact I've come to like the fact you can swipe back from either side on Android.
iOS is just not for me. It treats the user like an idiot and gives a whole "Apple knows best" feel to doing tasks. I don't like it!