iPhone 3G predicament... opinions?

7 Apr 2004
I dropped my iPhone a couple of weeks back and have managed to break the vibrate function (might be the switch) and crack the back casing... Most of the time I use my iPhone on silent so this is a big issue for me.

To solve the problem, I went out and bought a new iPhone and am now using that one. The thing is my old one was bought from Italy, sim-free and legally unlocked. My new one is jailbroken and unlocked...

So my question is:

Is it worth me repairing my Italy one and using that, or just sticking to my UK new one?

Opinions please...
If you can, I'd get italian/legit-simfree one fixed.

I'm always worried that the next big update will render jailbreaks and unlocks useless. Of course it would depend on how much it would cost to get it fixed, and who did it.
If you can, I'd get italian/legit-simfree one fixed.

I'm always worried that the next big update will render jailbreaks and unlocks useless. Of course it would depend on how much it would cost to get it fixed, and who did it.

The cost of getting the Italian one repaired is going to be around £150... give or take - and you have a good point!
The cost of getting the Italian one repaired is going to be around £150... give or take - and you have a good point!

Can't you just buy the bits and have a go it doing it yourself? If the back cover is cracked it doesn't matter if you break it taking it off...
Can't you just buy the bits and have a go it doing it yourself? If the back cover is cracked it doesn't matter if you break it taking it off...

I would do but the cost of getting parts + repair is only £10 more than cost of parts... so for piece of mind i'd rather get someone else to do it! :)
Back cover, switch and bezel (Bezel is cosmetic though, would bother me)... Back cover and switch is £120 cheapest I could find :(
Managed to break the switch on my 2G iphone, damn thing keeps going between loud & silent every second :/

Very flimsy part that is I must say.
Back covers can be had from China for around £45 :)

you would have to email me for more info though.

you could sell the iphone as it is, would still get decent money.
Is the iphone really that good? that you bought another 1 and then your still willing to pay through the nose to get the other one fixed
Is the iphone really that good? that you bought another 1 and then your still willing to pay through the nose to get the other one fixed

For what I use it for, it's perfect... emails come in throughout the day... I'm on the web on it about 3 hours a day, listening to music on it all the time and recently it guided my around Rome on foot single handedly... I really couldn't do without it anymore! :p
you can buy back covers on ebay £20-30 the switch is around £30 from apple or sli in chesterton

so its well worth fixing

second hand iphone 3g worth £250 all day, 8gb
and £30 more 4 the 16gb one

you need to do it be4 the new iphone comes out, cus the 3g is going to drop in value like last years top of the range laptop:) or imac
theres are trick to get your iphone simfree

so you dont have to unlock using winpwn,cydia,yellowsnow which only works with 02.28.00 baseband

there are a couple of programs on the net that will let you change your serial number of the iphone, not imei, so if you can get a simfree serial number enter it into the phone run itunes then apple sees your iphone as a simfree model and you get 2.2.1 in this case with baseband unlocked (simfree)

then use winpwn,or pwnage for mac to jailbreak

some forums say, running ssh on the iphone then running winscp to enter the iphone to find the serial number works............it does not

but if you have a m8 with a simfree iphone, he could copy is ipsw file and you can put your phone in dfu mode, restore in itunes using his ipsw............................
and then simfree

both this methods work 100%

i have sold over 1000 iphones now, without any unlocking problems
DEANO-UK - I didn't realise you could back up an iPhone to an ipsw - any instructions/links?

And surely changing the serial number is illegal?
the serial number is only for apple to id your product
you own the iphone so you can do whatever u like with it
but you cant change the imei number its illegal, even thou its in the same place as the serial number

i will try to find you a\link explaining howto do it for you

im in the trade so its just word of month, but it all worked for me
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