iPhone 3G predicament... opinions?

with 2g

update your iphone using itunes
run quickpwn after reboot boot neuter will detect your baseband and unlock it

takes 5 mins and is the best way to unlock any iphone 2g

but if you already know then this post is useless to you
Well isn't apple going to realise there's a load of phones out there with cloned serial numbers and just ban the lot from using iTunes to update?

Apple servers store a list of serial numbers to detect if yours is an unlocked iPhone.


The serial numbers are generated from IMEI numbers (which are unique to each handset), so whilst it would be technically possible to generate a fake number, you'd still have to get that on to the Apple systems (this is done through the carriers etc) so this method is a load of bull.

You can restore from someone's unlocked .ipsw file, yes, but it won't do anything as iTunes is what essentially unlocks the phone (over the internet). There used to be programs claiming to capture the "authentication" signal, and bounce it back via dummy servers but I never got them to work, nor seen or heard of them running successfully.

Also, trying to edit your serial / IMEI number would just fail the authentication, or get flagged by Apple servers and subsequently banned.

Say hi to the dev team for me..
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