got my capsule neo in black delivered yesterday.
awesome look and feel, and i got it for £15 with a free in car usb adapter/charger jobby off that auction place.
came from the US, but it took less than a week to arrive :O
I'm awaiting from the same seller. Good to hear it's all good.

Just fitted my bodyguardz, back and front.
The front went on ok, the back a different story with the corner curves not sticking down (after waiting for it to become sticky) and the little fiddly bits that cover the edges, being a right pain.
Now it is on I am not that happy with it so far. There are tiny bubbles/misting and ripples on the front. I hear the bubbles will go over 48 hours, though there is also slight rippling in parts, which I can feel with my fingers. They're not from being too heavy handed, smoothing out bubbles with my fingers or the squeegee. They're just there.
Also after using the screen naked since getting the phone, I am not liking the slight rubbery feel.
We'll see how it turns out.
I will keep you updated.
*A few hours in a lot of the bubbles/mist have gone, leaving the slight ripples in one corner and I can now see little dints? Don't know how else to describe them; like about a dozen of them all over the front. Once the screen light is on they become less noticible, though I can feel them, not good. The back has them as well which I am not too worried about.
Not too hopeful of these straightning themselves out over 48 hours, we shall see.
**30 hours in most of the mist has gone, still left with the small marks and yes the corners constantly bubbling up.
On a positive note, I do feel a lot more confident, generally just using my phone. It does feel soundly protected now, I don't have to place it down like I'm building a house of cards all the time. Really feel I can chuck it anywhere now and it will be fine . The bar of soap worry syndrone is gone too with the extra grip.