Ironman UK 2013 Training/Progress Thread

Cheers mate! Hopefully its of some use then, can't wait to get out on my bike again! Read in a lot of places its recommended that you don't do anything strenuous the week after so I've just literally been sitting down so far. Still so tired though, slept for almost 12 hours last night.
I just read your report, Thomas. PLease. - it was very inspiring. You look happier than a lottery winner in the photo of you running under your time :)

Edit: I just saw that it was your first marathon as well. That seems pretty brave/reckless to me ;)
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Thanks very much! Yeah, it was such an incredible experience to be cheered down that chute, I couldn't stop smiling afterwards!

Yeah I'd read a lot before entering about that and the general consensus was that if you got a couple of years running in your legs, and you can build to a longest run of 20 miles in training then it wouldn't be a problem in theory. Unfortunately my training didn't exactly go to plan for various reasons and my longest was a half marathon. So I just employed a walk run strategy really, walk the aid stations and steep hills, and try and run everything else, which got me through in the end.

Definetly want to improve my running massively before the next though, so much time to be gained there I think.
Thomas and DC once again, WELL DONE! A fantastic achievement.

OK, my little report.

I'll start by explaining that I was having some problems with my #1 bike the week leading up to IM. The rear mech hanger was bent and the gears wouldn't shift their best, skip in some, slip in others... it could be adjusted but the hanger would then eventually bend again and you'd have to re-adjust. So, no problem right? Just order another form the manufacturer of your frame... WRONG. Planet-x don't hold stock of my mech hanger which are generally specific to your frame and a few other randoms. I had to trawl through a mech hanger website comparing the one in my hand to the ones on the screen. ~300 odd mech hangers later and I thought I'd picked the right one. Had an agonising wait for delivery mid week but I'd done my homework and it was the correct one! :D


Went for a 30min run in the morning then a 60min sports massage. Packed up all my stuff and ticked it off against a list I'd printed out. Everything sorted, deep dish wheels selected for the weapon :)


5am Alarm, go pick up the GF on the way to Bolton and head to the stadium. We were there just before the doors opened at 8am for registration, grabbed an Ironman towel and a cycling jersey before the rush. Nipped to the lake and dropped off my bike and bits, quick reccie of dismount lines, exit and entry points, all good.
Head off to the school to drop of running gear, this took all of 2mins, checked where the dismount lines were and the run in/off.
We decided to visit Bolton town center, don't bother... its grim. Checked into our hotel instead then headed for a pub lunch, nice steak sandwich then back to the hotel for a while before heading back to the same pub for dinner, this time with my parents, brother and his GF.
In bed for 11 but there was a wedding party on :rolleyes: kesha and other god awful pop music blaring out until 2AM!! I HAD TO BE UP FOR 3!! Not ideal.

Sunday... RACE TIME!

Off to the stadium for a shuttle bus to the lake, no problems. Arrived at the lake, checked tyre pressures and slotted in my water bottles. Don wetsuit and say goodbyes to the family then que into the water....
Headed right to the front of the swim, gun goes off and we're away in a big washing machine of white water, arms and legs flying about. Making sure I was sighting and not just following the pack, tried to set a good course to the first buoy. First lap of the swim done in 31 mins, second lap was a bit more spread out, came out of the water in 63mins. Tidy.


Wet-suit off, already had my cycle gear underneath so just shoes helmet and glasses to sort then grab the bike and head out for a 6+ hour slog!


Really enjoyed the bike, was fairly consistent all three laps and never really felt low on energy, plenty of preemptive eating. My family had set up a marquee in a lay-by up past Belmont reservoir, I got a real boost from them cheering me on, my brother also gave a sausage sarnie to some poor soul who had snapped his chain and not brought and tools, foolish to come without some quick links and a set of pliers! There was great support the rest of the way round too. It was a bit spicy with the deep dish wheels on the fast section on the north east part of the loop, however they were definitely beneficial for the rest of the bike. 2 **** stops lost me about 5mins total. Rolled into t2 with a 6hr7min bike split.


Straight onto the run and I knew it was going to be long! I was running slower than my brick session training runs but this is to be expected. I carried my 750ml bottle with High5 4:1 for the first ~3hrs and sipped that along with coke and water from all the aid stations, I also had small helpings of gels for the first 2 hours but never a full gel all in one hit.


After completing the first ~10K heading to the start of the loop my brain was complaining that there was still a long way to go, I sorted myself out mentally telling myself to run strong, relaxed and with some good strides. Most of the run was steady away. When I got into town after collecting my second armband was the realization that I was going to do it, nearly welled up at that point but stiff upper lip and all that :D Once I was up onto the main part of the loop heading for my third and final arm band I upped the pace and ran the last 10K with a rocket up my backside, the crowd could tell I was on one and gave me extra encouragement. I was flying past everyone on the run course which felt great. Entering the chute towards the finishing area was quite overwhelming... the realization of the achievement, all the hard training sessions and the missed social occasions suddenly became worth it, it was just brilliant. I crossed the line in 11:19:33. I wanted sub 12 so that'll do! :p


Had a few slices of Dominos pizza in the food tent which I'd wanted for hours but in the end could take or leave... however the offer of a pint of milk from my sister.... OH, MILK WAS A GOOD CHOICE. It is hard to describe but the whole day was something I will never forget and will look back on with fond memories. If you've got the drive and can commit to something that will be hard, tiring, frustrating but ultimately incredibly rewarding then get signed up.


Felt a little stiff the following day but was OK, had poched egg and salmon on toast, porridge, croissants, cheese and meats for breakfast and the road to recovery was well under way.
We attended the awards ceremony which was good fun, the roll down of Kona (world championship) slots was exciting even though I obviously wasn't going to qualify.

WOW, so much to talk about but that's it in a very condensed version. :)

Also worth mentioning is I've been raising money for Macmillan Cancer Care, I'm only £70 off my target now :)
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Awesome Pete, amazing effort, that's a rapid time!

Any of you guys thought about what you're going to do next? I said during training I didn't think I'd do another. Already trying to figure out which one and when!
Sea swim in the Med, Mountain Switchbacks out of nice up and up, run flat as a pancake along the coastal road! :) Perfect.
thepeteh looks incredibly smug as he's running down the red carpet, and I think he's fully entitled to it. Great work :D
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Well just over a week later and having said I would give IM a break for a while I've changed my mind and am going to do another next year.

Not sure which yet but possibly do the full Outlaw, also Austria is meant to be a fast course.

Currently in Vegas relaxing with lots of nice food and beer so I will need something to train towards to burn off all the excess!!

Well done again to both of you on fantastic times. I'll have a good read of your race reports when I get home in a couple of weeks and I'll also upload my photos then.
Yes Dolmio! Niceone, I think everyone has well and truely been bitten by the bug!

Good montage of the race if you fancy watching, although it is pretty long. Spotted myself getting on the bike at 13.53!

For those thinking of entering next years race:

ENTRIES FOR ‪#‎IRONMANUK‬ 2014 will open on FRIDAY 23 AUGUST at midday to those people who are on the pre-registration list. The pre reg list is open until midnight Wednesday 21 August and already has almost 6,000 athletes listed. The link to the pre reg form is here:

Still undecided on what I'm doing, need to crack on and think about it!
Made the decision yesterday to go with IMUK again for 2014. I want to compare myself on a similar course ideally and am going to shoot for sub 11 this time. Swim isn't a million miles away, especially after the low volume I did in the run up to this years race, bike is similar, and I'll be training with power this winter which should bring me on. Running is the real crux, and I need to improve a lot to be able to run a 4hr marathon if I want my target time.

I'll be blogging regularly about it if anyone's interested checkout the link in my sig. Be good to hear if anyone else is also doing it in 2014.

Probably a fat chance, but could a mod potentially change thread title to 2014?
+1 for the change to the title.

I've signed up again for the same reasons as you. Also going to do the Half Outlaw again. :D:D:D

I'll be aiming for around 12 hours next year.

Need to work on my swim and bike but I reckon I can make some big advances over the next 11 months.

I've got 2 marathons between now and January so I am hoping to have a really good base fitness by the time my main IM training starts. Doing the Disney Goofy Challenge, half marathon on the Saturday, full marathon on the Sunday which should be interesting!!

Also going to start swimming with my local tri club. They have a 2 hour session every Monday which I'm sure will improve me.

I have a much better idea of what training I need to do now and think that if I can avoid injury I should enjoy next year even more.

Only downside I see is that the hotels seem to have doubled their prices for the weekend over this year. Not impressed by that. :mad:
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