Is being a chav genetic or social?

25 Apr 2012
Popping to the local shops for essentials around my way is always interesting. I have to interact with the locals and quite honestly I would describe most of them as scumbags, jobless, stupid, junkies, pissheads. Just general *** if you're going to swear, fully star it out in future, not just some of the letters ***

Are people this way from their genes, or does your environment make you who you are?

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The last couple of generations have been the product of an environment where there has been a strong selective pressure against being smart! :/
Popping to the local shops for essentials around my way is always interesting. I have to interact with the locals and quite honestly I would describe most of them as scumbags, jobless, stupid, junkies, pissheads. Just general *********.

Are people this way from their genes, or does your environment make you who you are?

If everyone is the same you just don’t realise your one of them.
It's the environment and upbringing. As far as I remember there were two documentaries about it recently, focused on a young lad called Eggsy I think? Anyway, he turned out alright in the end :D
Yes, but there must come a point in peoples lives where they stop and think.... I'm a tool, this needs sorting!

This an interesting one. I sometimes think about how often films have a level of moral message. How do you watch and enjoy a film whose central message is the importance of doing good by your fellow man, and then go out and rob someone's house or vandalise a car or something the next day?
Popping to the local shops for essentials around my way is always interesting. I have to interact with the locals and quite honestly I would describe most of them as scumbags, jobless, stupid, junkies, pissheads. Just general . . .
Perhaps if you spent less time "interacting" with your buddies this wouldn't be a problem :confused:
Interact with them how?

Are they aggressive to you or do they just not match your class?
It's mostly a social/culture issue, although I believe there are those more disposed to addiction on a genetic level.

Obviously that functions outside of class, as lets face it there aren't a lot of people most would consider middle or upper class chav's. They generally give them different names, like Diane Abbot's son for example.
A Scottish mate calls them Neds (for Non Educated Delinquents) - personally find that more fitting than just "Chav."

It's predominantly nurture, through family and piers (potentially orchestrated by their environment). I'm unsure how to phrase anything without sounding like a judgemental prat myself. If you have someone that doesn't want to work, potentially smokes weed and/or drinks all day and live off hand-outs (or potentially deals, robs, etc) - chances are they probably live in council accommodation. Now, group lots of similar people together and then add children into the mix - how on earth are the majority of those children meant to know/aspire to anything different?!?
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