Is Borderlands 2 still worth playing?

23 Mar 2011
I played it a bit at launch, but didn't finish it. On occasion I see people say how they have poured 100's of hours in to it and still play it etc so I'm wondering if I should retry it.

I do like loot style games.

What's the draw to it? Is there like an end game loot grind then or do folks just replay the main story over and over?
If you don't have any friends to play with, meh... I'd pass, else I recommend :

- Play co-op with 3-4 friends. Even 2 is OK I guess. It's awesome.
- Play the DLCs, they're great.
- Go straight into True Vault Hunter Mode at least, maybe using a save editor (boost character level and weapons level, add a bit of money but not too much). You can do a quick run as well, not like the game is hard in the first play through.
- Don't edit weapons and make them super special, or give yourself some special items, or boost weapons. Kinda kills the fun. Just level up a character to be able to play True Vault Hunter, or Ultimate.
- Some weapons require two players to farm (pimpernel, sandhawk, ect...), and copies of saved games.
- The people who replay for hours usually replay for the loot, not the story. Didn't really enjoyed that side of the game. Co-op was where all the attraction of the game was.

Not abusing the save editor requires discipline though. I even couldn't keep it straight. I HAD to have a good Hawkeye sniper rifle in Ultimate Vault Hunter mode for my Zer0. The rest, I farmed, which is actually quite a pain.

When Borderlands 3 is announced, I'm pretty sure I'll bring the band back together and do a BL2 Ultimate Vault Hunter run beforehand :) The game's too much fun in co-op.
What's the draw to it? Is there like an end game loot grind then or do folks just replay the main story over and over?

The game is still massively fun. There are challenges to do, for instance, both set by the game and self-imposed. But sometimes it's just fun to go out there and kill stuff. :)
Good game to play through, still has a decent playerbase but you'll no doubt meet someone who will shower you in max level gear that they've duped in.
Annoyingly enough when I play it on the big screen with a controller, the vibration feature doesn't work (Xbox One controller). If anyone knows how to fix this I would greatly appreciate it!
Great game, even more enjoyable in co-op with one or more friends. I've played all of them, even played them again on vault hunter mode
222 completely solo hours for me. The shooting and looting is almost addictive and whilst the story isn't mind blowing or anything like that, the humour is great. It's just such a fun game to play and with sooo much variety of weapons you just never get bored playing it.
That's for all the replies, due to time etc and when I get to play I'll probably only be playing solo but sounds like that's not too bad though co op is where it's at then?

Any suggestions on how to tackle it? Complete it first then grab the dlc or play the dlc as I go through?

Also what character is the 'best' :D
For solo play I suggest the Gunzerker, simply because you can have a **** (damage multiplier) weapon in your other hand. The one DLC you absolutely must get is the Tiny Tina one: it's a hoot.
It must be a good game for me to have spent the last month glued to it. And I never, ever immediately replay games after finishing them. I've moved on to the Pre-Sequel though as Quartz says, when I reached Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode with two characters now it doesn't seem to drop any better gear. OK, I got one pearlescent gun but it's janky anyway. I refuse to play with anyone other than myself because the *******s will nick anything good that drops.

And anyone who uses a save editor, you get a slap with a wet fish.
its a great game, worth doing at least one full playthrough, although after that its up to you.

playing solo is ok, gets a bit tricky as some bosses are basically designed for multiplayer and are next to impossible solo.

if you haven't i'd also suggest playing borderlands 1, try the different characters and fills in a bit of the back story to 2.

as i type this i'm literally tabbed out of mr torque's campaign of carnage, giving these games a run through as they're the best my potato laptop can run well (cartoony style graphics meaning you dont lose much at very low settings)
got bored of it. Completed it and most of the achievements, dont get me wrong, but it go so depressingly repetitive after completing the a number of times and getting UVHM done that i haven't even bothered with the pre-sequel. It's just a massive lootfest troll. And i love loot games lol.
Over 500 hours clocked on this and my all time favourite game. Well worth playing either in coop or single player. The game is huge and has so much replayablity, a ton of different weapons, upgrades and load outs.
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