Well that's a fundamental issue I have with socialism. As you say, it seems like it should basically be a free market where everyone wants to help each other. Maybe you can see where the problem is here - you need everyone to want to help each other.
Not true, maybe in couple hundred or thousand years when humanity manages to control their own greed will this be plausible.
There is no need to help each other out at all in what I'm proposing. Its simply replacing power of money with power of people and their knowledge. You will see companies competing just as much against each other, you'll just see more beneficial by-products where these companies will literally pay for top tier education from young age to population - to harvest knowledge capital later on to gain edge over competition. Same goes for food ,health etc. A sick, hungry, deprived population will not be beneficial to the economy. Same is true now but in current system people are too short sighted and only focused on short term $$$.
Its a society where companies are morally accountable to their employees and society as a whole.
I should add, I don't really understand this bit. Money is required to enable the exchange of goods and services.
Money will remain, all I mean by this is that today for example you say 'I'm a billionaire' and that is seen as having lots of capital. Tomorrow I want capital billionaires to say 'I have one million employees that are highly educated, motivated, healthy and loyal to the company - and we are able to innovate x2 than our competition' As a bi-product of that I am also a 'money' billionaire. Simply being money billionaire should stop meaning as much as it does today. You can be money billionaire and yet have zero capital. In this system there will also be much fever billionaires (money) because in competition of capital (people) you will have to disperse so much money that it will be extremely difficult to hoard it at the top and stay competitive against other companies
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