Is future totalitarian?

Money doesn't give anyone more than they'd have otherwise on a macro scale. It's only a medium of value - it hasn't got any inherent value and therefore can't be used to create value (a mistake which numerous major economies have been making for a while now).

Yup and this seems to be tied to the misplaced belief that we can continue to grow economically without any increased generation of actual wealth.
What we have right now isn't true free market capitalism.

What we have is business mafias controlling markets/competition.
If we actually had true free market capitalism there wouldn't be any issues as it drives innovation, people would have come up with free energy solutions and been able to put them on the market 20 years ago and we would all be doing a lot better for it.

Because the capitalist system we are in at the minute is controlled by a MAFIA, its pushing to people to think that communism is the next natural progression......when it isnt.....communism ALWAYS results in the death of millions, just go read a history book.

The capiltalism and socialism argument always boils down to Individualism vs collectivism.
I cant be doing with the latter, the moral majority defining me, my experience and reality.

Get gone commies.
Do you think sewer workers do their jobs because it's fun?
Have you ever met a sewer worker?
There are two girls in one of my gangs who took the role because they find the Metro brickwork on the London Trunks "absolutely fascinating".... Another is really into trains and loves being part of our railways gang, because in repairing those sewers she gets to see the parts that no other trainspotter ever could!
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