Is it ok to be proud to be white?

Sounds like you are saying anyone who isn't white can't claim the UK as their "own country"

No buy in the uk it's difficult to even be proud to be English . Or proud if the actions of heroes, like Chuchill for example or their achievements for England, such as surving WW2 for example.

ENGLAND flags were banned again yesterday for “causing offence” amid a growing row over politically correct killjoys.

Councils, shop staff and cabbies were ordered to remove St George symbols as the World Cup kicked off.

Headteacher to remove Union flag after hundreds of pupils protest over 'racist' policies and uniform rules

I mean, I'm pretty sure worse things happen in Africa like 99% FGM in some countries but we can celebrate African culture, but can't even fly our own flags.

Very strange, do these people want to be British or just live in Britain?

People do know that slavery is still a thing in Africa and that it is not British led slavery,right?
Sounds like you are saying anyone who isn't white can't claim the UK as their "own country"
That's not what I mean, the UK is a multicultural democratic country if only other minorities who settle here should be told in there own language it also freedom of speech country with one law for all, in all BLM poster boards not one said ALM! (All lives Matter) So why have BLM & Black pride in UK? Not only that they commit Criminal Damage in London under the Criminal Damage Act 1971 and no one was arrested! If we went to South Africa and held a protest with post boards with WLM (White Lives Matter) on it and did Criminal Damage do you believe we will get away with it the answer is No we would be targeted if not killed and the media would put us in front page news all over the world and call us "White British Racism" and will be charged with Criminal Damage or gone to prison for that crime in Africa.

Britain have become a nation of hate now days, the people with so much free time on their hands have been brain washed with the media\social media, because of the hate we can't fly our own flag! In our own country but why the hate you may ask there is no Black\Asian Racism been reported by the media why is that? We have too many assaults, gang rapes, and mostly knife crimes across the country and it's getting worst and now police have been targeted by media, BLM, BP, to lose there jobs. Britain & US will soon become like South Africa with the highest crime rate in the world and who's fault is that but the people themselves.

Google is free, black nationalism doesn't mean what you think it means.

Nationalism have been associated with nationalist movements. Black nationalist activism revolves around social, political, and economic empowerment of Black communities and people, especially to resist assimilation into white culture.
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shouldnt the head teacher be educating the pupils that our flags aren't racist.

why bow down to kids who don't know better

anyone who fought in ww2 who could see what happened after wouldn't have bothered.

we genuinely would have been better off losing ww2, being occupied and all our elite overlords being culled
you are not allowed to be proud to be white, male or straight these days
well that's not actually correct, you are supposed to be ashamed of being any (or all) of them
In reality I would never say I am proud to be white but for no reason other than it's what you are and not something you have achieved

Proudness evokes separation, the pinnacle of performance of a group or essentially elitism so is probably not the right word.

Nationalism is being proud of your country's efforts and the individuals that have contributed. However I suspect that a warped perspective of who has contributed to that performance drives those with racist xenophobic nationalism. There will always be competitive nations but that doesn't necessarily depend on being a racism or xenophobia. If you're proud in being a racist or xenophobe then no I don't think it's acceptable and it's anti-nationalistic and shows a degree of mental instability.

Demonising a group is the easy way to align members that are happy to shirk responsibility. It's also very difficult to undo or for those individuals to adapt.

So demonising immigrants will end up in long term issues, so will demonising the white-straight-male where those that become ingrained in that belief will not change or adapt.
shouldnt the head teacher be educating the pupils that our flags aren't racist.

why bow down to kids who don't know better

anyone who fought in ww2 who could see what happened after wouldn't have bothered.

we genuinely would have been better off losing ww2, being occupied and all our elite overlords being culled

LMAO what utter nonsense. This thread is in the gutter and this just proves it.
Nationalism is being proud of your country's efforts and the individuals that have contributed.
I think you're forgetting the next key part of the definition of nationalism -
'especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.'

Maybe you were going for patriotism?
shouldnt the head teacher be educating the pupils that our flags aren't racist.

why bow down to kids who don't know better

anyone who fought in ww2 who could see what happened after wouldn't have bothered.

we genuinely would have been better off losing ww2, being occupied and all our elite overlords being culled

We did lose... to America.
Why is this post even here? Are you proud to be a person with blue eyes? or brown? How about blond hair or brown? Proud to be over six feet tall? They are no less important than the colour of your skin. Unless you are a racist.
Why is this post even here? Are you proud to be a person with blue eyes? or brown? How about blond hair or brown? Proud to be over six feet tall? They are no less important than the colour of your skin. Unless you are a racist.

Platform sole shoes. hair dye, skin lightener, sun beds, tinted contact lenses, curlers, hair straighteners all suggest vast swathes of the global population deem these facets as desirable, are they all racists? Not that there aren't millions of genuine racists about too, but of your examples many people do indeed desire these traits and won't necessarily be racists because of it.
Why is this post even here?
It called freedom of speech:)

Are you proud to be a person with blue eyes?
Yes and proud;)

Proud to be over six feet tall?
Oh yes:D

They are no less important than the colour of your skin
Unless you're a BLM & Black pride member it's all about skin:eek:

Unless you are a racist
No, but the way BLM & Black pride are changing things I might change my view:(
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