Is it possible to self-learn web development from scratch?

Just to back up what others have said, yes you can!

I'm currently doing it at the moment. Got a basic knowledge of HTML & CSS coding and will be learning the server side stuff in September. I've got a load of books on it as well as looking at web tutorials.

I have always had an interest in web design but never did anything with it, and boy do I regret that now I'm starting to do it seriously.

I'm 30 as well.

Just to back up what others have said, yes you can!

I'm currently doing it at the moment. Got a basic knowledge of HTML & CSS coding and will be learning the server side stuff in September. I've got a load of books on it as well as looking at web tutorials.

I have always had an interest in web design but never did anything with it, and boy do I regret that now I'm starting to do it seriously.

I'm 30 as well.


Could I ask which books and online.tutorials you found most useful?
There are good ways and bad ways to learn.

Most of the 'that useless gimp has to go' types are ones which started off from using online tutorials to do a few IDE related tasks like setting up a page and button event handlers and the like, and then after a few/weeks months of this on rinse/repeat they think they are web devs.

.. i did that when i first learned ;)

Soon after i realised i knew absolutely nothing and after rubbing shoulders with a few techies i soon realised it was time to go back to the drawing board and stop trying to compete for the same salary with people who had years of experience or CS degrees. Some people can fake their way through but you will very quickly get found out or come unstuck when you get totally out of your depth and ruin someones business or project due to your own ignorance and stupidity. Getting fired or sued because of that isnt something i'd like to dice with.

So - My advice. Start from the ground up. Lean object orientated programming (in .net or java etc) first and foremost which will be the skill that you rely on time and time again to actually solve real problems. From learning core programming (and there are OO books that are geared towards web dev and also desktop type apps) you can then go further and look at databases, web design and more hardcore stuff.

I'd avoid any stuff to do with : flash, silverlight, mobile app development (for now, learn regular development first), ruby on rails (too niche) and stick to stuff like .net, java/php.
One of the easiest fields to book learn imo, but take the time (first preferably) to learn the theory rather than diving straight into tutorials or language specific books.

Hacking out the code is fine for a little widget but larger systems where performance, security and maintainability are a concern need other skills.

Oh and join or start an open source project, it looks great on the CV, especially if you're going up against people with CS degrees.
Please do not give W3Schools any money, they are misinformation spreading morons and are not affiliated with the W3C in any way.

Humm, frankly I think is just as bad. I've never done any of the W3Schools certificates so I can't comment but I've only ever used it as a resource where one can quickly look up HTMl / CSS attributes and alike that one's forgotten, which it's very good at. From the few W3fools examples i read they were selectively quoting and misinterpreting what W3Schools had said to make their point. It sounds like they're just cross that they are trading on the W3 name, (which is a separate argument and yes they probably should make it clear they're not affiliated)
Humm, frankly I think is just as bad. I've never done any of the W3Schools certificates so I can't comment but I've only ever used it as a resource where one can quickly look up HTMl / CSS attributes and alike that one's forgotten, which it's very good at. From the few W3fools examples i read they were selectively quoting and misinterpreting what W3Schools had said to make their point. It sounds like they're just cross that they are trading on the W3 name, (which is a separate argument and yes they probably should make it clear they're not affiliated)
It's mostly the 'certifications' which may as well be printed on Andrex, because they're both good for the same thing.
My old boss was a paraplegic who was only supposed to work a few hours every day. He managed to pick up HTML, CSS and PHP pretty well. It's all in the mind and your capacity for learning.

I've also picked it up over the past 6 months, coming at it from a designer's point of view. It can be very frustrating but coding is a good skill to have.
At the point where you want to learn javascript, I recommend (there is a print and app version as well). It starts from presuming you have zero knowledge about programing. It's very good for your first steps.
There are good ways and bad ways to learn.

Most of the 'that useless gimp has to go' types are ones which started off from using online tutorials to do a few IDE related tasks like setting up a page and button event handlers and the like, and then after a few/weeks months of this on rinse/repeat they think they are web devs.

.. i did that when i first learned ;)

Soon after i realised i knew absolutely nothing and after rubbing shoulders with a few techies i soon realised it was time to go back to the drawing board and stop trying to compete for the same salary with people who had years of experience or CS degrees. Some people can fake their way through but you will very quickly get found out or come unstuck when you get totally out of your depth and ruin someones business or project due to your own ignorance and stupidity. Getting fired or sued because of that isnt something i'd like to dice with.

So - My advice. Start from the ground up. Lean object orientated programming (in .net or java etc) first and foremost which will be the skill that you rely on time and time again to actually solve real problems. From learning core programming (and there are OO books that are geared towards web dev and also desktop type apps) you can then go further and look at databases, web design and more hardcore stuff.

I'd avoid any stuff to do with : flash, silverlight, mobile app development (for now, learn regular development first), ruby on rails (too niche) and stick to stuff like .net, java/php.

I think this is really good advice. I am currently a .NET developer and completely self-taught. I left school after my GCSEs, didn't know what to do so I made a few websites for fun, got a job doing tech support and worked my way through the company to a job in development.

The best advice I could give is practice. If you can find a book that you like on core coding principles read it, understand it and then take it further you are on the right track. If I were to start again I would blog about everything I do and learn, the process of reflecting on what you have just learnt is a great way for your brain to figure out what you have just learnt. It will also give prospective employers a good insight into you as an individual.

Each exercise or task in the book that you do when you get it done correctly, you should ask yourself, how can I make this better? Think of something and do it, it doesn't matter if you have no idea how to do it, work it out, google, try fail, try, fail, succeed. Failing is an immensely important part in understanding.

Work on a personal project as well, pick something doesn't mater if you don't know how to approach it start, research and learn. Perhaps make your own blogging system. It doesn't have to take on wordpress the whole point of it is that you will learn as you do it, it could be the most sucky thing in the world, but if it teaches you, then it is worth it. Where do you start, perhaps you decide that your blog post content will need to be stored somewhere, you google how to do that and find you need to learn something about databases, or perhaps you start with how a page should look and feel etc. A project which you do from start to finish will let you experiment with every aspect in a professional computing job and you will find which parts you are good at, what you like etc.

As for book recommendations, the first book I got was an older version of this Wrox series. I made a few websites using the techniques in this book for fun, but this book is really just an introduction into using the VS IDE. After that I picked up a book on OOP. After reading those you should have a good introduction to the basics and from there you really need to start working on your own projects. I would also add that you can't read a book and *know* how to program, you need to practice, practice, practice. If you don't like the blog idea, maybe try working through the project ideas on this list. Like I said doesn't matter if it looks intimidating or you have no idea how to start, research and figure stuff out, you'll have fun along the way and learn loads.

Good luck!
Thanks a lot for all the advice chaps. I'm gonna work my way through this Sams Teach Yourself HTML & CSS and see where that takes me. Dad is a self-employed social care consultant so i think i'll practice what I learn by building him a company website.
Personally I wouldn't get any of these older books on html and css. They are starting to get out of date and a lot of the techniques they teach you are not best practice any more or won't actually work when you start having to break out of the simple stuff.

Use online tutorials from people who are widely accepted as being good at what they do.

Get involved in discussions and try to read as much as possible.

I like to use:

All of them have a variety of free articles that are interesting and useful if you want a good quality in depth article on web development or a new technique. will become your best friend as well. Use it whenever you are stuck or are looking for the best way to address a problem. If you ask a good question and ask for the reasoning behind peoples answers, you can fix most things and learn as you go.
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