I have a 6 month old BMW which was recently facelifted with LED headlights and they're terrible. They're insanely bright to the point I genuinely feel sorry for other motorists. I think it's similar to the recent Mini headlights.
If it's dry I probably get flashed by every 5th oncoming motorist on unlit country roads. In the wet, when the beams reflect up off standing water, I get flashed by probably every third. All I can do is give a brief flash back to let them know I'm not on full beams. Some people flash me politely which isn't too bad but others lock full beam on in anger which is very annoying. I've been driving behind people before and they've been gesticulating into their rear view and eventually pulled over to let me overtake as every road undulation sent my dipped beams into their mirrors/cabin. On motorways I can see my lights are lighting up road signs to a greater extent than cars 5 vehicles ahead of me.
At the next service I'm going to ask them to adjust the beam down. I definitely think brightness has gone too far.
One of these days an oncoming car with the same headlights will flick full beams on to which I'll do the same and we'll probably scorch the ground between us