Is it time to ban LED Headlights

Which is even more reason to revisit legislation on how bright lights actually are.

I think a lot of the disputers ignore factors like the light intensity. Militaries are still using red light, as do quite a few trucks and other work vehicles needing internal illumination. Yes, a bright red brake light will wipe out your NV, but a dim 20 lumen torch won't do that anywhere near as much.

yeah I tricky eh

On my audi the hold assist switches to hand brake after a period, but I am not sure how long that actually is. At that point it turns the lights off as its not longer the manual brake being applied
Xenons and LEDs do provide awesome light if you are only worried about looking just in front of your car, yep sure its like day there, but as its so bright the cut off feels far more marked

That's not an issue for systems like multibeam. Once tech like that trickles down, any perceived cut off problem will go away.

For me it's not about the brightness but the direction. Bright lights are very important for road safety at night.
That's not an issue for systems like multibeam. Once tech like that trickles down, any perceived cut off problem will go away.
per previous discussion , eg. below, they are not allowed in usa yet because their regulatory boards a bit more diligent than EU :
issues like dimming speed and dimming for motorcyclists
maybe the multi techology will mature further as a result of increased market size ?

BTW: Do teslas have adaptive/multi-beam ? with the energy consumption constraints, they may have proudced more efficient (bright where it is required) solutions.
- Necessity is the mother of invention
Sorry, I'm old and drive an absolutely ancient car from, like, before WW1, innit.... I had to look up Hold Assist. I don't think I ever want a modern Audi, after reading that!!

Honestly its one of those things that sounds like it would be a pain. Once you have used it for a few days its horrible going back to a car without it. But there is nothing about it that requires you to do anything normal than driving as if it doesn't exist should you choose.

It operates as soon as you come to a complete stop with the brake pressed still. Its on lets say after 1 second. So I pull up to a junction, say from a side street, it will engage. Now I can lift off the brake with no thought to if the car will try to move forwards or backwards, and decide if I want to keep the clutch engaged and hover ready to press the accelerator pedal, or if its going to be a longer wait and I may want to take out of gear and lift off the clutch. Assuming I dont expect a long wait and decide to leave in gear, I am now hovering over the accelerator pedal, as soon as I start to press that the brake goes off.
Works exeedingly well, but then you'll always get those who still think winding windows down with a handle and a choke are where it's at.
LED headlamps are never going to banned, in the USA they just passed legislation to allow them, as auto full beam had been banned. Like most improvements the technology will only get better...
Sounds absolutely pointless and more like a second electronic auto-handbrake.... Still don't want one.

Utterly pointless, erm no
You in fact have to have an electronic handbrake to have hold assist (well with Audi certainly)
It basically frees up one hand, or one foot depending on whether you would hold on the foot brake (and accept the car potentially moving whilst you switch foot), or relies on you holding with the hand brake at the junction. Its superior to both those options so how is it pointless exactly?

And lets take at face value the pointless, which would infer its adding nothing. Why would you be so desperate to avoid it with your comment that would wouldn't want an Audi with it. What makes you not want it, because that seems to infer you see a negative from its existence?
Honestly its one of those things that sounds like it would be a pain. Once you have used it for a few days its horrible going back to a car without it. But there is nothing about it that requires you to do anything normal than driving as if it doesn't exist should you choose.

It operates as soon as you come to a complete stop with the brake pressed still. Its on lets say after 1 second. So I pull up to a junction, say from a side street, it will engage. Now I can lift off the brake with no thought to if the car will try to move forwards or backwards, and decide if I want to keep the clutch engaged and hover ready to press the accelerator pedal, or if its going to be a longer wait and I may want to take out of gear and lift off the clutch. Assuming I dont expect a long wait and decide to leave in gear, I am now hovering over the accelerator pedal, as soon as I start to press that the brake goes off.

I wouldn’t be without it now myself. Getting in a car that doesn’t have it is like a step back in time.
I don't know about modern cars as mine is an 07 but in our auto trucks there is a button on the dashboard to enable/disable (disabled by default) auto hold. It's not needed because part of our driving test in both car & truck was a hill start.

It really is the height of laziness that people can't be bothered to even press that button to disable auto hold but then I shouldn't be surprised as "those kind of people" can't be buggered to switch off their foglights when they hit a clear patch let alone in a line of traffic !

I swear a "screetcher alarm" should be fitted to foglights so you can't wait to switch them off !
On an Audi you do, yes...
But my old 1996 Mercedes would 'hold assist' without the need of an electromechanical 'hand' brake at all......

Maybe, no idea.

Both of which I can already manage perfectly well, even on hills.

But plenty can't. Anyway, thats hill hold assist which is different ;)
That stops your rolling backwards for a short period of time.

Might just be in how you've explained it, but I haven't seen how this is supposed to be superior... It's been a feature of all the automatic gearboxes I've ever driven, bar the crappy CR-V.

Well I have already told you. It either frees up a foot, as you dont need to keep your foot on the foot brake to have that engaged (if your the type to sit on the footbrake), or it frees up a hand as you dont need to release the hand brake.
Of course you could be a really terrible driver and sit there riding the clutch/throttle.
Plus its nothing to do with automatic, automatics have always behaved differently as you needed to keep your foot on the brake to stop creep.
It should also help dramaticaly where you get a queue of traffic and someone bumps the back one, those riding the clutch etc are all at risk of ending up going forwards, this will be reduced (but not necessarily removed) by the car having applied the brakes.

What does it add, then?
It may do something differently, but what does it actually add?

See above, but again your the one who said he would never own a car with it, yet seemingly unable to say why.

I generally find most recent technology in vehicles does more to disconnect the driver and divert their attention away from the drive, than add any particular benefit...
I also find an over-reliance on features like this makes people very lazy drivers... and often very tight-fisted ones when they end up bringing in the broken features to be fixed.

Personally, crappy drivers seem to be crappy all the time to me, but the more you can take away from them the less chance of them screwing up. All in my personal experience.
OK, just HOW many flippin' hold assists do you kids need on a bloody car, here??!!
Have you got one for when you need to just nip out to the postbox at the side of the road, too?

As does the handbrake... and for more than just a few moments.

Sorry to blow your mind, but, I think you need to read up on them again. I think your struggling to understand and its clouding your thoughts.

Then I apologise for not being able to understand what your wording has failed to explain...

Is English your first language. I couldn't write it any simpler

Given how you mention a clutch, I assume you also have a gear changing control of some kind? Why then do you not have an automatic gear change hold assist, to actually free up this now freed-up hand that is not actually freed up by this device, because you're still using it to take it out of gear as you suggested.....?

How are you changing/engaging gear and releasing the hand brake at the same time. Tip your not ;) Tip, I am in effect ;)

What on EARTH do you need a free foot for, anyway? Tapping along with the radio?
Is it really that much of a hassle and a struggle and a life-threatening issue to just apply a handbrake?
Do you also struggle when you have to indicate and don't have a free hand for that?
Do we need to get Jeremy Kyle out to mediate between you and your vehicle during these difficulties?


The only purpose this thing seems to serve is pulling off from the lights ever so slightly faster, which again comes under lowering driver standards and abilities, or as a disability aid for those with impacted or missing limbs that they cannot otherwise co-ordinate like most normal drivers.

Then again, I suppose driving a BMW or Audi should now be listed as an official disability.... :p

Sigh again

Utter tosh.
None of those drivers should be riding the clutch in the first place, but technology cannot replace that.

Yet many many people do.

Well I have already told you.........

Humour me, post it again

But to further that, I have watched people I previously knew to be pretty good drivers and seen their standards lower as more technology like this crept into their cars. It's not age or anything, as their standards jump right back up the instant they drive my 'old' manual car.

Irrelevant, people drive unfamiliar cars with more care.
When I irregularly drive a POS car, I treat it like my life is on the line (as it probably is) :p

Introducing more tech to do what the driver should be doing doesn't increase driver standards. It actually lowers them, as they start assuming the car will do everything for them... that's actually another excuse I'm hearing more often from people with broken vehicles, too.
Eventually this will just make human drivers obsolete and you can kiss goodbye to your driving licence.

Gibberish but fell free to post some evidence.
tech doesnt have to improve driver skills, most things we do are to reduce time taken, or improve safety.
I am not sure that acting as a luddite is improving driving skills either ;)

Do auto boxes not come with Neutral or Park settings, any more?
Well, it sounds like they come with a dozen different auto-brake mechanisms now, so the lights should still go off after a couple of seconds anyway...

As i said already nothing to do with auto boxes
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