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Is it time to give up and move to consoles

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30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
Dont mention vram. Another lock guaranteed if you 'debate' it.

Nvidia have a problem here, 6950 with double the vram cost the same as a 3070Ti, influencers are all over how much everyones getting robbed.

Heres another one where the 3070 is 47% more expensive than the 6700 XT.
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4 Jun 2009
A mid range gpu vs the amd flagship/halo.... Jesus Tommy, expected better common sense from you, well actually, not really :cry:

Funny thing is, people keep on buying green, but no, it's not amds fault, it's all nvidia's fault :D

All that vram and still can't maintain a constant 60 fps, yikes:



Money well spent :p


See the post has been updated now, I should have quoted it ;)
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4 Jun 2009
The threads about cost, keep up

Not in your original post it wasn't ;)

Again though, how is this Nvidias fault? If amd had put the effort in, we wouldn't be in this situation.... A company worth billions who's purpose is to maximize profits, shocking!
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9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
A mid range gpu vs the amd flagship/halo.... Jesus Tommy, expected better common sense from you, well actually, not really :cry:

Funny thing is, people keep on buying green, but no, it's not amds fault, it's all nvidia's fault :D

All that vram and still can't maintain a constant 60 fps, yikes:



Money well spent :p


See the post has been updated now, I should have quoted it ;)
The RX6800XT is matching the RTX4070TI?? They were under £600 at in point.Poor RTX4070TI. It can also not even match a RTX3090. The RTX3070 was competitive with an RTX2080TI. Also surprised the RX78... sorry RX7900XT is so much faster.
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4 Jun 2009
Whataboutism. Not sure why one brand is 'better' when it comes to ripping the arse out of consumers. Why the excuses keep coming when the evidence is in plain sight. Seems the nvidia apologists have a tougher time accepting it though.

Because as proven, why would you not pay a bit more to get the superior package "overall".... that is what you and others are missing, hence why the likes of yourself and your buddy Tommy keep on crying about "nvidia the big bad" yet you both keep on buying their hardware over amd :cry: Why is that?

The whole generation from both companies is a joke in pricing.


Funny thing is, the 4080 got panned for it's pricing, naming/tier change from ampere and anyone who bought one, shamed.... yet people who bought an almost as expensive 7900xtx get a pat on the back despite all it's launch issues and amd also doing the same tier shifting shenanigans :cry: This is why I keep saying AMD have a far more effective brain washing marketing than nvidia, playing the victim always works out better.
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23 Apr 2010
West Sussex

Nvidia have a problem here, 6950 with double the vram cost the same as a 3070Ti, influencers are all over how much everyones getting robbed.

Heres another one where the 3070 is 47% more expensive than the 6700 XT.

Yup, the rebellion is happening.

26 Jun 2015
Not in your original post it wasn't ;)

Again though, how is this Nvidias fault? If amd had put the effort in, we wouldn't be in this situation.... A company worth billions who's purpose is to maximize profits, shocking!
Pricing is rubbish, no doubt about that, but it is Nvidias fault for the high prices, they would price high regardless, I don't think Nvidia would care what AMD would charge for, what AMD is rubbish for doing is, riding along Nvidias high pricing, don't forget Jensens article about trying to justify high pricing to the customers, not to investors.

What the analysts at Nvidia saw was the truth about peoples access to funds, be it hard cash or credit and how much availability this is and how willing they are to part with it.

Apple prices things as they wish without care of what their rivals sells for, either below or even higher then Apple.

Bare in mind, theres a lot of windows based laptops that cost more then an M series Macbook air that try to compete in that exact same space as it.

Also, as very on topic of this tread, AMD has put effort in, which is why there are over 50 million ps5 and xbox series consoles sold world wide and climbing, its just in an area you don't care for, with how good the current consoles are and how well they are selling which are looking to even outsell the PS4, which already outsold the PS2, its a really hard justification for a developer to not look at that userbase.

Many console games run just fine, and look great consistently and far more run better then the PC equivalents, its just fact.

Outside of MMO gaming on PC which is PC gaming strongest suit for the longest of times, I've experienced way more issues on PC games as opposed to those on console, and I'm sure many here have as well.

Can I also state how console games actually more likely to support Dolby then on PC for audio, thats quite a big difference even with my audio set up on PC.
3 Feb 2017
So going back to the original question. Is it possible to install windows on either of the consoles to convert it to a pc. ? I suspect if this is possible it would change things.
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26 Jun 2015
So going back to the original question. Is it possible to install windows on either of the consoles to convert it to a pc. ? I suspect if this is possible it would change things.
I don't believe so, but then why would you want to deal with buggier version of games?

What I do think is missing from the PS and Xbox camp is actual office programs, both do actually support keyboard and mouse just not in games but thats actually a developer lock for the most part or in some cases, limited functionality, Final Fantasy 14 on the PS5 supports keyboard and mouse outright.

The consoles do support them otherwise, Microsoft really missing a home run here with its office application not on the xbox store.
4 Jun 2009
Pricing is rubbish, no doubt about that, but it is Nvidias fault for the high prices, they would price high regardless, I don't think Nvidia would care what AMD would charge for, what AMD is rubbish for doing is, riding along Nvidias high pricing, don't forget Jensens article about trying to justify high pricing to the customers, not to investors.

What the analysts at Nvidia saw was the truth about peoples access to funds, be it hard cash or credit and how much availability this is and how willing they are to part with it.

Apple prices things as they wish without care of what their rivals sells for, either below or even higher then Apple.

Bare in mind, theres a lot of windows based laptops that cost more then an M series Macbook air that try to compete in that exact same space as it.

Also, as very on topic of this tread, AMD has put effort in, which is why there are over 50 million ps5 and xbox series consoles sold world wide and climbing, its just in an area you don't care for, with how good the current consoles are and how well they are selling which are looking to even outsell the PS4, which already outsold the PS2, its a really hard justification for a developer to not look at that userbase.

Many console games run just fine, and look great consistently and far more run better then the PC equivalents, its just fact.

Outside of MMO gaming on PC which is PC gaming strongest suit for the longest of times, I've experienced way more issues on PC games as opposed to those on console, and I'm sure many here have as well.

Can I also state how console games actually more likely to support Dolby then on PC for audio, thats quite a big difference even with my audio set up on PC.

And why is it that nvidia have put the prices up? Who's fault is that?

Consoles is a different market and amd owns that market of supply so not sure how that is relevant to desktop gpu space? There is no denying a console is superb value for the money but if people want a "desktop", pc gaming experience, consoles cannot offer that hence why it is not even an option for the likes of us on here. Also, consoles don't run pc games better, they sacrifice settings across the board especially ray tracing and are usually more adaptive resolution than not too, there might be the odd case where a console game will run better i.e. a **** ported game to pc especially around direct storage utilisation but this comes down to the port itself rather than it being a hardware thing, that is a fault on the developers side, not the hardware. DF have proved this time and time again with their in depth settings videos.

Again, stop blaming nvidia for the situation of the dgpu space, blame amd for not providing a solution which people would rather have over nvidia.

This threads proves this point perfectly:

People simply don't feel amd is proving to be viable alternative, that's on amd to change it, not nvidia.

Notice the likes of @humbug @tommybhoy @gpuerrilla still haven't posted in there too, I wonder why.... ;) :cry:
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23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
Pricing is rubbish, no doubt about that, but it is Nvidias fault for the high prices, they would price high regardless, I don't think Nvidia would care what AMD would charge for, what AMD is rubbish for doing is, riding along Nvidias high pricing, don't forget Jensens article about trying to justify high pricing to the customers, not to investors.

I don't agree. At all. In fact, if anything here I put the blame solely on AMD. Because they, right now, are the only company that could compete. What I mean is they could have priced their cards lower, got marketshare, and brought the competition TO Nvidia. Instead? they have just decided not to even bother trying to compete, and just being equally as greedy. Instead of seeing each Nvidia GPU as a challenge, and meeting that challenge and kicking the ball into an open goal they have just decided to be equally as awful.

There is no doubt that the 79xx GPUs are costing them WAY less to produce. As such they could have sold them much cheaper, exposing Nvidia and making them look utterly terrible. Instead they just over-over charged for their GPUs. This could have been their "Maxwell moment" but instead they have spaffed it down the drain. This isn't competition. At all. It's just price matching.

Given that in this specific, exact moment of time they are the only company who could change it and haven't? oh yeah, it's their fault. They have done the exact opposite of compete, all they have done is ALLOW and enable Nvidia.

I am praying right here and now that Intel won't do that, and will make both of them look like the greedy rip off merchants they are. IF they can last long enough, which is really worrying me right now.

However all that said my last two GPU buys weren't bad at all. TBH? I am happy to pay £700 for a GPU so long as it lasts more than a year or two. And mine will, given they are not hindered by too little VRAM.
4 Jun 2009
I don't agree. At all. In fact, if anything here I put the blame solely on AMD. Because they, right now, are the only company that could compete. What I mean is they could have priced their cards lower, got marketshare, and brought the competition TO Nvidia. Instead? they have just decided not to even bother trying to compete, and just being equally as greedy. Instead of seeing each Nvidia GPU as a challenge, and meeting that challenge and kicking the ball into an open goal they have just decided to be equally as awful.

There is no doubt that the 79xx GPUs are costing them WAY less to produce. As such they could have sold them much cheaper, exposing Nvidia and making them look utterly terrible. Instead they just over-over charged for their GPUs. This could have been their "Maxwell moment" but instead they have spaffed it down the drain. This isn't competition. At all. It's just price matching.

Given that in this specific, exact moment of time they are the only company who could change it and haven't? oh yeah, it's their fault. They have done the exact opposite of compete, all they have done is ALLOW and enable Nvidia.

I am praying right here and now that Intel won't do that, and will make both of them look like the greedy rip off merchants they are. IF they can last long enough, which is really worrying me right now.

However all that said my last two GPU buys weren't bad at all. TBH? I am happy to pay £700 for a GPU so long as it lasts more than a year or two. And mine will, given they are not hindered by too little VRAM.

Didn't you hear though? Jenson held a gun to Lisa's head to force amd down the path they went hence "nvidia's fault!!!!" :cry:

Amazes me this victim mentality :o

Using similar logic, maybe nvidia skimping on vram is amd's fault? :cry:
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23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
Didn't you hear though? Jenson held a gun to Lisa's head to force amd down the path they went hence "nvidia's fault!!!!" :cry:

Amazes me this victim mentality :o

Using similar logic, maybe nvidia skimping on vram is amd's fault? :cry:

Nvidia have been doing it for years and years. If you buy anything but the top end GPU it comes with compromises. It's clear no one seems to care about that though, and will buy on brand regardless.

I over paid for my 2080Ti Kingpin. Totally over paid. It was £1599. However, at least it will last me at least 5 years. I am happy to turn down settings to keep it going. At least I know my textures won't be swapped for fuzz. I've already had it three years and it's showing no signs of issues.

As I said, I am happy to buy expensive GPUs. I do limit it usually to £700 (which was once capped at £600 and etc but then there is inflation) but I do expect it to last. A lot longer than a year or two.

I kinda see the whole situation like the people on "My 600lb life". You have the obese person (Nvidia) and you have the person that enables them to be that big and eat that much. Who is more guilty? IMO the person continually handing them the food. If all of a sudden they stopped and said no? that person would not even be capable of walking to the shop.

And yeah, I must say I do find it awfully convenient how Lisa is related to Jen, and this whole price matching thing started when she came in. Funny that eh?
26 Jun 2015
I don't agree. At all. In fact, if anything here I put the blame solely on AMD. Because they, right now, are the only company that could compete. What I mean is they could have priced their cards lower, got marketshare, and brought the competition TO Nvidia. Instead? they have just decided not to even bother trying to compete, and just being equally as greedy. Instead of seeing each Nvidia GPU as a challenge, and meeting that challenge and kicking the ball into an open goal they have just decided to be equally as awful.

There is no doubt that the 79xx GPUs are costing them WAY less to produce. As such they could have sold them much cheaper, exposing Nvidia and making them look utterly terrible. Instead they just over-over charged for their GPUs. This could have been their "Maxwell moment" but instead they have spaffed it down the drain. This isn't competition. At all. It's just price matching.

Given that in this specific, exact moment of time they are the only company who could change it and haven't? oh yeah, it's their fault. They have done the exact opposite of compete, all they have done is ALLOW and enable Nvidia.

I am praying right here and now that Intel won't do that, and will make both of them look like the greedy rip off merchants they are. IF they can last long enough, which is really worrying me right now.

However all that said my last two GPU buys weren't bad at all. TBH? I am happy to pay £700 for a GPU so long as it lasts more than a year or two. And mine will, given they are not hindered by too little VRAM.
I'm not giving AMD a pass on these pricing, but you are saying that AMD products would affect Nvidia, but this isn't the case at all, Nvidia is not looking at AMDs direction at all and thats not due to product placement, they both have diverged in product segments, the only thing Nvidia and AMD have in common is desktop GPUs, thats it, one segment.

This is sole Nvidias fault, if Nvidia charged £500 for the top end GPU, then AMD would in this gen.

If AMD had a GPU that competed with the 4090 and charged £500, Nvidia would still charge £1300 whatever for the 4090.

This is something you and many others are unable to see beyond, Nvidia and AMD have diverged immensely.
26 Jun 2015
Didn't you hear though? Jenson held a gun to Lisa's head to force amd down the path they went hence "nvidia's fault!!!!" :cry:

Amazes me this victim mentality :o

Using similar logic, maybe nvidia skimping on vram is amd's fault? :cry:
Think you have jumped in strange here, no one is holding a gun.

Nvidia priced a product, AMD very lazy just went, lets just price it near that and be done with it, thats it, they followed suit because it doesnt matter anymore now.

Both companies have diverged massively in their product segments and the direction to go in.
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