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Is it time to give up and move to consoles

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9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Hardly anybody prints anything any more (outside of niche needs). It's all about digital publishing, for which essentially 99% of viewers will see colours differently because nobody that isn't in the industry in some way bothers are adjust their displays for accurate srgb viewing, all phones default to a saturate vibrant colour output because that's what the masses like seeing, colours that "pop", vs accurate colours which are more flat and neutral.

Well most of the people I know do actually display their work,so that might be in your niche?! Shrugs. I also know people who do have to process images which are digitally published(scientific journals),and I have yet to see anyone use a curved screen there either.Journals are printed too. The software alone just to process the images into a useful form for use in PS is £1000s,let alone the huge amount of processing power too. Also not all photography is in widescreen,you sometimes need vertical resolution too. A lot of these widescreen monitors don't have sufficient vertical resolution either.

I also see a distinction between those that game and those who use these things as basic tools,and don't really talk much about hardware.

If it's for viewing on "digital displays" as you yourself admitted unless everyone has set their monitors to the right colour space,made sure the monitor is good enough,calibrated the monitor,then made sure they use a web browser which can display the colours properly,make sure they are not standing in the son(at an angle) so the colours go wonky then it serves no point then. It looks all different anyway. Most people don't even fathom the difference between how different web browsers can display colours differently.

But if you want to care about the masses,then switch your camera into auto,and then snap away. That is why a lot of influencers get away with just using their iPhone and quickly editing on it.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Anyone sending stuff to publishing will be working in CMYK anyway and working in a wide gamut, those are niche areas compared to the wider monitor scene. People working just in that field won't care for VRR curved monitors or OLED etc capable of high refresh rates etc, they just want wide gamut accuracy for publishing.

That doesn't mean a curved QD-OLED can't do all that, because it certainly can.

Your point about why it matters if the masses don't have accurate display setups and then just using the camera in auto mode etc makes no rational sense at all though, and I am frankly confused how you could come to such a conclusion.

I want to make sure my work is displayed to me accurately, I don't care if others don't see what I see online, but if someone asks me about it, I will help educate them for the better. At the same time I want to be able to see 100% SRGB accurately, hence why I have my display set up for exactly that, whether gaming, editing or watching content.

Smartphones are used by social media people a lot because phones are super powerful now, especially with AI filters and processing effects that in the past few years you had to use high end applications on computers to do. Now AI powered hardware on a phone can do all of that in seconds. That's the reason why social media users use them so much, not because they don't care about accuracy or whatever else.
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9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Anyone sending stuff to publishing will be working in CMYK anyway and working in a wide gamut, those are niche areas compared to the wider monitor scene. People working just in that field won't care for VRR curved monitors or OLED etc capable of high refresh rates etc, they just want wide gamut accuracy for publishing.

That doesn't mean a curved QD-OLED can't do all that, because it certainly can.

But again,none of the people care about curved monitors,and they can certainly afford it. This is what you and Nexus don't get - just because YOU think its fine for 100% of users,does not mean it is the case.

If it were a lot of the photography orientated monitors would have gone curved and UW ages ago. They have not,and from my own experience,and the experience of other photogs they do no cut the mustard in a number of cases. Plus I know people who do print,and publish into journals too. You are more worried about the tech side of the monitor,then whether the rest actual fits the use requirements of other people.

Your point about why it matters if the masses don't have accurate display setups and then just using the camera in auto mode etc makes no rational sense at all though, and I am frankly confused how you could come to such a conclusion.
You are the one who made it:
for which essentially 99% of viewers will see colours differently because nobody that isn't in the industry in some way bothers are adjust their displays for accurate srgb viewing, all phones default to a saturate vibrant colour output because that's what the masses like seeing, colours that "pop", vs accurate colours which are more flat and neutral.

You were the one trying to say accuracy wasn't important because people don't print and then talk about the "industry" but seemingly don't know anyone who prints anything. Calibration is an essential part of the printing process and for any work which will be published in a printed form. That includes fine art photography and gallery work.
I want to make sure my work is displayed to me accurately, I don't care if others don't see what I see online, but if someone asks me about it, I will help educate them for the better. At the same time I want to be able to see 100% SRGB accurately, hence why I have my display set up for exactly that, whether gaming, editing or watching content.

LMAO,I have been talking about colour accuracy throughout this thread. I had to think of this decades ago. I used to even have to scan film in and do all the colour correction for that(hence learning some hard lessons about it in the process).
Smartphones are used by social media people a lot because phones are super powerful now, especially with AI filters and processing effects that in the past few years you had to use high end applications on computers to do. Now AI powered hardware on a phone can do all of that in seconds. That's the reason why social media users use them so much, not because they don't care about accuracy or whatever else.

So now you are first saying colour accuracy isn't important,because nobody prints,then saying it is important because for "digital publishing" which you yourself said 99% won't care. Now you are saying it isn't important for social media.

I never knew the curved UW posse was so strong! Must be the Alienwate branding.

Think this has gone off topic - I will let you and Nexus have the last word!
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
It's apparent that you have got the wrong end of the stick throughout this :/

I won't bother addressing each point because it's clear it will be fruitless, but all I will say is that QD-OLED is the closest we have come to CRT's presentation of essentially everything, motion, colour accuracy, picture quality etc. regardless of being curved or not (it doesn't matter whether a professional editor or just a gamer). At no point has anyone said a professional MUST get a QD-OLED, we have just stated the facts regarding QD-OLED, and as I am in this industry and have been for quite some time working with print publications as well as online, as well as being a consumer and gamer, Nexus felt it relaxant to tag me in the post above, and I felt it relevant to chime in my two pence, which you don't agree with, which is fine.

That has been the holy grail to reach for decades with monitors, and we are finally nearly there with QD-OLED which can cover all ground, just like in the CRT days. For reference my career began working on Eizo flat CRTs and I remember them fondly.
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Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Edit to add: This doesn't necessarily alter the attraction of the PC if you're not into mainstream/AAA gaming. For instance nothing exists like Bannerlord, Kenshi, Highfleet, Total War (about the only major franchise still PC exclusive) off the top of my head or any of the multitude of mods on consoles.

Are you saying those are or aren’t on consoles? Kenshi and Bannerlord are on Xbox now I believe. Total war on mobile. There are fewer and fewer PC exclusives.

If people want to give Nvidia a pile of cash for a few extra frames and shinier surfaces, I’m inclined to let them :p
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
It's apparent that you have got the wrong end of the stick throughout this :/

I won't bother addressing each point because it's clear it will be fruitless, but all I will say is that QD-OLED is the closest we have come to CRT's presentation of essentially everything, motion, colour accuracy, picture quality etc. regardless of being curved or not (it doesn't matter whether a professional editor or just a gamer). At no point has anyone said a professonal MUST get a QD-OLED, we have just stated the facts regarding QD-OLED, and as I am in this industry and have been for quite some time, as well as being a consumer and gamer, Nexus felt it reelavnt to tag me in the post above, and I felt it relevant to chime in my two pence, which you don't agree with, which is fine.

That has been the holy grail to reach for decades with monitors, and we are finally nearly there with QD-OLED which can cover all ground, just like in the CRT days. For reference my career began working on Eizo flat CRTs and I remember them fondly.

I never knocked the technology,so uncertain why you think I have a problem with QD-OLED. The original argument between Nexus and Wing-Man,was about the greatness/not greatness of curved UW monitors not about the underlying tech. I just pointed almost all the people I know who have/will consider a curved UW monitor are those who game and people can value other attributes for specific use cases. I do agree QD-OLED is impressive. I remember SEDs were very promising in the 2000s in addressing the weaknesses in LCD/Plasma tech and this is probably the closest we come to something better in nearly 15 years. Also at under £1000 it means we might start to see this in more products,as the costs have clearly dropped.

It's just that curved and UW don't chime with what I need personally(or the people I know). I want something which is flat,and ideally a more "normal" aspect ratio(with a higher vertical resolution),but clearly you and nexus don't really need/care for that.
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21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
I just used your line… so your a classic 12 year old?

I feel you have spent a massive amount on a UW screen and now your upset people don’t agree it’s the best…

Just to be clear your said you like your UW but still game on your massive TV? Can I ask why is UW is god of all and 16:9 is for mere morals

:cry: good luck mate, unlike myself, hope you have plenty of time to waste on this fella.
19 Oct 2002
The Faithful City
Are you saying those are or aren’t on consoles? Kenshi and Bannerlord are on Xbox now I believe. Total war on mobile. There are fewer and fewer PC exclusives.

If people want to give Nvidia a pile of cash for a few extra frames and shinier surfaces, I’m inclined to let them :p

I worded the edit badly, I meant they aren't on consoles.

Thats a different Kenshi (from a quick google). This is the one I meant;

You're right about Bannerlord though! I didn't realise it had been ported.

Edit: I was aware of Total War on mobile. But eugh. :)

As you say fewer exclusives. At least the PC still has mods...:)
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19 Jan 2022
Used to have a super ultra wide 49". Was pretty good for games, but not I upgraded to a 42" oled. Good thing about it is, you can do custom resolution on it and play on 21:9 in specific games that it looks good on.
22 Oct 2004
Swapped my 34" lg monitor for a 32" LG monitor, really like it and have found that I might actually keep to this aspect ratio but maybe go 4k in five years.
21 Oct 2013
Thats a different Kenshi (from a quick google). This is the one I meant;

You're right about Bannerlord though! I didn't realise it had been ported.

Edit: I was aware of Total War on mobile. But eugh. :)

As you say fewer exclusives. At least the PC still has mods...:)
You might need some vram for mods though.
Vram is very expensive, adds an extra £700 to every GPU.
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