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Is it time to give up and move to consoles

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4 Jun 2009
I'm not giving AMD a pass on these pricing, but you are saying that AMD products would affect Nvidia, but this isn't the case at all, Nvidia is not looking at AMDs direction at all and thats not due to product placement, they both have diverged in product segments, the only thing Nvidia and AMD have in common is desktop GPUs, thats it, one segment.

This is sole Nvidias fault, if Nvidia charged £500 for the top end GPU, then AMD would in this gen.

If AMD had a GPU that competed with the 4090 and charged £500, Nvidia would still charge £1300 whatever for the 4090.

This is something you and many others are unable to see beyond, Nvidia and AMD have diverged immensely.
And the reason for that is because nvidia own the market and why is that?

If amd provided 4090 level performance for £500, I would snap that up, even with the inferior upscaling tech. and lacklustre RT grunt, I imagine most people would.

Just look at what a somewhat healthy market with somewhat equal footing looks like i.e. cpu space with intel vs amd.
26 Jun 2015
I find it insane that someone actually believes that. Anything to excuse AMDs price-fixing disgusting behaviour.
I agree the prices are disgusting, but you are a fool if you think the industry doesn't do that between rival companies.

Do you think Apple and Samsung price fix £1000 phones?

This isn't defending, collusion is pretty illegal but independently they are allowed to price products to whatever they like, there is nothing illegal charging what you wish, how low or high.
26 Jun 2015
And the reason for that is because nvidia own the market and why is that?

If amd provided 4090 level performance for £500, I would snap that up, even with the inferior upscaling tech. and lacklustre RT grunt, I imagine most people would.

Just look at what a somewhat healthy market with somewhat equal footing looks like i.e. cpu space with intel vs amd.
Eh, Nvidia owns the desktop market, but AMD owns the console market.

I have always said this, there is over 50 million current gen consoles sold and growing, in the gaming space this is domination.

Consoles have more games and more focus on the quality of the games compared that to PC.

Mean I don't use upscaling tech, and the reason why its used on PC games is due to the poor quality control on PC games, mean RT looks good in some cases, a lot of other cases just doesn't make much of a difference, it really doesn't matter unless the game was only made with RT from the ground up with no rasterization.

I think people are fools to look at the AMD vs Intel with a narrow mind, guess what sells more Dell office type computers or gaming rigs.

AMD provided an alternative to the OEM space to which sells more then DIY space as the volume and client requirements are way different, OEM are after a whole system that is low cost and a really small space to boot, theres actually AMD CPUs which you can't buy in the DIY space as its only OEM, Lenevo has had exclusive access to certain AMD products for example.

Not to mention Apple dropped Intel, which is a far bigger shift in the industry as Macs sold very well to education and certain industries, things played out very differently in the CPU space compared to GPUs.

We might see GPUs not following this trend at all.
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