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Is it time to give up and move to consoles

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30 Dec 2010
Over here
Console gaming can disappear altogether as far as I'm concerned. I've tried it, hate it, moved on. PC is the only place to game properly. And no, I'm not trolling :)

Define 'properly' because if that includes anything other than starting a game up and playing it within 30s of turning your pc on then it's already behind.
1 Nov 2002
Console gaming can disappear altogether as far as I'm concerned. I've tried it, hate it, moved on. PC is the only place to game properly. And no, I'm not trolling :)

What the heck is ‘game properly’.

How is playing games on a console not ‘gaming properly’.
2 Nov 2018
Benefits of pc gaming used to be running games you could buy cheaper on higher settings, on cheaper upgradable hardware.

Consoles definitely have the price performance edge on hardware these days and it doesn't look like it'll ever swing back. I can see gamers who play certain game types making the switch full time
29 Mar 2023
I've been playing on console since 1975 if pong counts as console and about 25 years on pc and it feels like pc is losing the edge that it had on price, variety and ease of use
30 Dec 2010
Over here
I've been playing on console since 1975 if pong counts as console and about 25 years on pc and it feels like pc is losing the edge that it had on price, variety and ease of use

Price factor is lost for sure when you compare them purely from a gaming POV. However, a lot of people are not bothered by the price if it means not having to choose between a 30fps mode which might be equivalent to low/medium on PC or a 60fps mode with further downgraded visuals. On the flipside, a lot of people are happy with the price/performance ratio consoles give, for me it's just having options and if price isn't a factor or barrier then I still feel PC makes the most sense.
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7 Dec 2010
I appreciate this is probably totally the wrong audience to ask this question but is it time to throw in the towel and switch to console gaming?

GPU prices are obscene to the point it feels morally wrong to spend so much money on a card. Multiple crappy game launchers designed by programmers with no clue about UX. Compare that with the Xbox with a nice interface, a custom graphics chip (subsidised by microsoft) and a game pass available for a few quid a month from the usual digital key sellers.

Cheap pain free gaming on my 75 inch OLED with a sound bar compared to expensive time consuming gaming (drivers, config settings etc.) on a pair of 24 inch ugly monitors.

<Ducks for cover>

Worth reading this thread below, sadly it got locked but had some good info in it and my replies there have not changed.. I'm getting very tired of seeing threads locked now too.. and come up again as new threads and having to repeat everything again.

30 Dec 2010
Over here
Worth reading this thread below, sadly it got locked but had some good info in it and my replies there have not changed.. I'm getting very tired of seeing threads locked now too.. and come up again as new threads and having to repeat everything again.

If people were comfortable in their decisions then they wouldn't need to feel the kind of validation that comes with these debates. There is no superior positioning here so just buy what you are happy with and then you won't be concerned with what everyone else is doing.

Edit: Just to be clear I don't mean you when I say 'you', talking generally.
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22 Nov 2018
I'll switch to console gaming when they can handle keyboard/mouse support properly. If a controller can operate a curser probably then why invent the mouse?

Consoles would be ideal if I was into racing games.

I think people are just angry that 4k @ 300Hz or some other arbitrary number is too expensive. Learn to enjoy good gameplay instead. I have an RX 6600 and I absolutely love my PC and I love gaming on it.
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30 Aug 2014
Yes, I got a PS5 a month ago and I am very impressed with the visuals on my LG C1 (also used for my PC) and performance (virtually always butter smooth compared to all the stuttering messes on PC) in first party games (what I bought it for).

GeForce NOW (cloud gaming) is providing my RTX 4080 upgrade. I currently have an RTX 3080 10GB and a Ryzen 3900X and see very little reason to upgrade at current prices and with an influx of poor console ports.
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15 Mar 2017
Harlow, Essex
I see people saying that the consoles only do 30/60 fps etc and that may be true. But build a PC for the same price as a PS5 or Series X and the game would be 10 fps at the same resolution or settings and resolution would have to be knocked down a lot to run at 30/60 fps. To build a PC, even second hand parts, comparable to a console experience graphics and framerate wise would be at least £1000. So considering the price the consoles are, to me, extremely good value and offer a solid gameplay experience. I do love my PC gaming but I can see why many are turning to consoles to game and a cheap PC or laptop to do other things. These companies are now killing the goose that lays the golden eggs with their pricing.
16 Aug 2009
People will have to do what suits them. Personally I came from a console background to PC's and wouldn't wish to go back consoles are fine for casual or if you only want the latest titles I have a large library of Steam games that go all the way to DOS era titles try and get those working on consoles. Which also leads onto I used to have an extensive library of console titles none of which I can play anymore as none of the current machines will play them. Even if PC titles aren't Steam listed there are still emulators that will get them going. And the convenience of just being able to fire up a game from Steam without having to fire up the console and bung in a disc suits me. The "I like to relax on the sofa" is a non argument PC's have been able to plug into TV's for a long time now I can even get a controller working wirelessly. Which incidently is the one thing I did carry over from console gaming: I can't bear keyboards for gaming a controller is so much more ergonomically comfortable I use it for all gaming.

n.b. mods on console are limited by small storage space and they're plugins only in official formats you won't ever get game executable modifications because of the walled garden outside of jailbreaking the console and that comes with its own problems.
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