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Is it time to give up and move to consoles

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14 Aug 2013
Considering the rumoured 8gb 4060ti will probably cost as much as a PS5/XSX I know where I'd rather be putting my cash and it wouldn't be going to Jensen.

That's the problem, once a GPU costs more than a console you've lost the mainstream. The value justification to game on a PC just isn't there and game Devs just love spending 10s of millions on games for niche markets
31 Dec 2011
Consoles are great this gen. I Have both PS5 and series X. PS5 and PC get the most play time but series X (game pass) and the ability to pick up where you left off on PC is excellent.

I have always been a console gamer so am a little biased but PS5 currently gets most of my attention, with PC a close second.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I prefer PC gaming as I like all my games in one place. One can still get used cards at somewhat decent prices that still have warranty. These cards are much more powerful than what is inside the consoles.

That said, nothing wrong with going the console route if that is what you want. They have nice and fast ssd's in them now and will look great on an OLED. All depends on what your needs are and what you fancy/can afford.
27 Sep 2008
I appreciate this is probably totally the wrong audience to ask this question but is it time to throw in the towel and switch to console gaming?
I've done both since the 1980s. Will continue to do both. Best gaming I've had in the last 5 years or so has been on the PS4 Pro. Will grab a PS5 at some point, but only if they start producing some decent exclusives for it.

Most fun I'm having on PC at the moment is Diablo Immortal (ftp) with a PS4 Dualshock. Diablo 4 and Starfield will run well enough on my 9900k/1080Ti, so will skip upgrading until graphics card prices return to sanity. If they don't, then it will be a total move to console-only for me.
17 Oct 2002
I’ve gamed for 30 years on a K\M, I’ve had various consoles but can’t get used to the controllers, FPS specifically. If all games had K/M support I’d jump ship. I’m a prisoner of my inability to put the time needed to become comfy with a controller. Plus my mental state of mind that a controller for FPS is an inferior experience.
22 Oct 2004
Got pc and Xbox series x. Enjoy pc gaming more with its RTS and Rpg titles. Xbox does get used but I think it's confirmed for myself that I probably won't go console again.
22 Nov 2018
I’ve gamed for 30 years on a K\M, I’ve had various consoles but can’t get used to the controllers, FPS specifically. If all games had K/M support I’d jump ship. I’m a prisoner of my inability to put the time needed to become comfy with a controller. Plus my mental state of mind that a controller for FPS is an inferior experience.

I agree 100% with you. No amount of time and practice could ever make a controller as good as a K\M. Even console online gamers have been complaining that they share the same server with PC users because a K\M gives them an unfair advantage. So even console gamers agree that a K\M is better.

I don't understand why any genuine FPS gamers would switch to a console.

A console is perfect for games like Mario or Mortal Kombat or racing games etc. If that's what somebody is into then I do wonder why they choose PC gaming in the first place.
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20 Nov 2005
South East
Glad to see there are lots of wealthy people who say 'just get both'.

For me the benefits of PC massively outweigh the consoles, but I don't care about 4k couch gaming.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
I agree 100% with you. No amount of time and practice could ever make a controller as good as a K\M. Even console online gamers have been complaining that they share the same server with PC users because a K\M gives them an unfair advantage. So even console gamers agree that a K\M is better.

I don't understand why any genuine FPS gamers would switch to a console.

A console is perfect for games like Mario or Mortal Kombat or racing games etc. If that's what somebody is into then I do wonder why they choose PC gaming in the first place.

Why such a narrow focus on FPS games? Controllers are superior imo for a far wider range of games where analogue control is beneficial. Especially third person games, one example would be trying to control the horse on red Dead redemption 2 with digital keyboard controls, it's like playing a game from 1980, same goes for games that use keyboard for controlling vehicles. Actually anything that requires more finese than digital inputs can provide.

I agree mouse is superior for FPS games because they make it so easy. I'm sure people would choose PC gaming because it also has a wider selection for peripherals for games like racing Sims, flight Sims and it can just as well use flight sticks. Trying to narrow down the choice between the two because of a specific gaming genre isn't going to work, because PC can cater for all of it for starters.

I play a few games that I can't imagine would work (or are available on console) as they require too many inputs but even games like Diablo3 I preferred using a controller, game by game basis I guess.

On another note, I'd take suffering a controller for an FPS over the excessive amount of cheating that goes on in PC multiplayer titles any day of the week.
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22 Nov 2018
Why such a narrow focus on FPS games? Controllers are superior imo for a far wider range of games where analogue control is beneficial. Especially third person games, one example would be trying to control the horse on red Dead redemption 2 with digital keyboard controls, it's like playing a game from 1980, same goes for games that use keyboard for controlling vehicles. Actually anything that requires more finese than digital inputs can provide.

I agree mouse is superior for FPS games because they make it so easy. I'm sure people would choose PC gaming because it also has a wider selection for peripherals for games like racing Sims, flight Sims and it can just as well use flight sticks. Trying to narrow down the choice between the two because of a specific gaming genre isn't going to work, because PC can cater for all of it for starters.

I play a few games that I can't imagine would work (or are available on console) as they require too many inputs but even games like Diablo3 I preferred using a controller, game by game basis I guess.

On another note, I'd take suffering a controller for an FPS over the excessive amount of cheating that goes on in PC multiplayer titles any day of the week.

Yeah I use FPS as a blanket term for anything that requires aiming. I use a controller for everything else. I use a controller to ride the horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 but I use a keyboard/mouse when I need to shoot. I drive the vehicles in GTA but I use a mouse when I need to shoot. I use a controller to walk around in Tomb Raider but I use a mouse when I need to shoot.

I bought a cheap used PS4 for exclusives like The Last of Us and The Last of Us 2. The controller is great for walking around and riding the horse. Aiming is impossible so I bought a Keyboard/mouse adaptor so I could aim probably. The mouse emulation is very clunky but usable. So not ideal for games with lots of shooting.
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30 Dec 2010
Over here
Yeah I use FPS as a blanket term for anything that requires aiming. I use a controller for everything else. I use a controller to ride the horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 but I use a keyboard/mouse when I need to shoot. I drive the vehicles in GTA but I use a mouse when I need to shoot. I use a controller to walk around in Tomb Raider but I use a mouse when I need to shoot.

I bought a cheap used PS4 for exclusives like The Last Us Us and The Last Us Us 2. The controller is great for walking around and riding the horse. Aiming is impossible so I bought a Keyboard/mouse adaptor so I could aim probably. The mouse emulation is very clunky but usable. So not ideal for games with lots of shooting.

Yeah I was doing the same on RDR but the switching got on my nerves so just settled on controller, downside was lack of easy headshots lol.
13 Jun 2012
I appreciate this is probably totally the wrong audience to ask this question but is it time to throw in the towel and switch to console gaming?
What kinds of games do you like playing?

I'm a total war strategy player with 1000+ hrs racked up in th last four years.
A console is zero use to me.
(Also 200hrs deep into 7 Days to Die right now, and while it does exist on console it's a stunted version from three years ago).

You may find yourself playing games that exist on console anyway, in which case... Go wild!
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3 Aug 2010
What kinds of games do you like playing?

I'm a total war strategy player with 1000+ hrs racked up in th last four years.
A console is zero use to me.
(Also 200hrs deep into 7 Days to Die right now, and while it does exist on console it's a stunted version from three years ago).

You may find yourself playing games that exist on console anyway, in which case... Go wild!
Many people here judge Pc gaming on how the latest Sony trash port performs that nobody but an insignificant minority asked for.

There are 32 million PC gamers on Steam alone every Sunday and you can go here https://steamdb.info/ to get a good idea of what PC gamers enjoy.

Most of those games can be played on a PC from 5 years ago.

There are 3 types of PC gamers right now:
  1. The vast majority that enjoy actual PC games such as Dota 2, CSGO, LOL, DayZ, Path of Exile, WoW, Total War, Rust etc. on any PC made in the last 5+ years.
  2. The sheep that throw money at Jensen and Lisa so they can brute force the latest "AAA" port trash which is forgotten after a week.
  3. The wannabe sheep that are crying non-stop because they've been priced out and are now threating to throw their toys out of the pram and buy a console
Groups 2 and 3 do not affect PC gaming or how successful it is because they are a tiny minority.

Especially group 3 who are proclaiming the death of PC gaming while the Steam userbase breaks record after record. :cry:
30 Nov 2022
I hear you dude!... I made the move to console a while ago. Honestly I had a good time on both PS & Xbox over the years. But the pc kept a candle in the window for me for all the time I was away. By the time I wanted to build a pc after years away I was faced with the prospect of crazy gfx prices. Xmas 2021 was a mad time with mining at its height but I managed to build a really capable machine with 32 gigs of ram on a WiFi b550 mobo and a cool case around the amd 5700g apu all for less than £650. I have zero regrets. I can play loads of games including acc, bf4, bf1 & bfv and more albeit at 1080p on my 1440p ips monitor. Yeah it would be great to have a dedicated gfx card but I can hold out till the price is right for a great ~ £500 card. Until then I have loads of fun while editing videos/photos & playing tons of retro games as well. I've scratched my pc itch and all I can say is... If you build it fun will come.✌️
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20 Aug 2006
Already have and much prefer console gaming now (Series X) aft r years and years of constantly PC upgrading. The key for me is that I'm actually playing hours and hours of games now rather than faffing about with settings, overclocks, fan profiles and benchmarks ... I'm actually gaming.

Add to that a 60 inch screen, 5.1 audio and quick resumes (can resume a game in seconds) and the positives outweigh the negatives
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24 Jun 2011
I think there are certainly issues with PC Gaming these day’s.. GPU Prices and Performance issues due to the majority of AAA titles being optimised for consoles.

Ive grown up with PC Gaming, only ever had Consoles for FIFA and Call of Duty’s (Growing up) as most of my mates had Consoles.

Only have a PC currently, I’ve barely time to put a decent amount of hours into that never mind having both.

I find older AAA titles can be had much cheaper on PC, Console games tend to hold their value.

Good thing with Consoles is games can be sold on, new games if completed quickly can be sold on for near full price!
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