Is that car uninsured on your drive?

This will be interesting for a friend of mine, he is a mechanic and can only have so many vehicles on his policy, he has several vehicles in storage, but not been driven for years.

So now any that havent been sorn will need to be or insured, 20+ vehicles should be fun, will certainly keep the DVLA busy, they take long enough as it is for changes.
So say 1000 people drive into a town in rush hour between 7.30 and 8.30 in the morning, 65 of these are uninsured....

Just put a police checkpoint in place and a digger, Italian job style.

Dont have insurance, your car gets flattened, sure that would get things done quickly enough.

This is desperatly needed, Uninsured drivers should lose their cars.
Got no problem with this TBH. There are loads of uninsured drivers around, and this will definitely help to get them nicked. I've got an taxed but uninsured car on my drive, and TBH, it should be SORNd.

It wont have any effect on whether an uninsured driver gets nicked or not, the car will either not be registered in the drivers name or they'll just SORN it and still drive around.

The only people it will get are legitimate honest people who have the car correctly registered in their name and have a valid reason for leaving their car sit off-road with no insurance for a while, the most likely scenario being where you buy a new car, transfer your insurance policy over and then they to sell the old car.

The biggest effect it will have is making it more difficult to sell old cars and this is probably the real reason behind it. They want to get all the older cars off the roads to meet the worthless CO2 targets they signed us all up for. They've already seen massive resistance to their planned tax hikes so now they're trying another approach to annoy us into scrapping old cars.

It's kind of like how most laws introduced in the name of fighting terrorism are really just there to snoop into people's private lives, most laws introduced in the name of fighting vehicle crime or improving road safety are really just there to try and make car ownership more and more annoying because they are incapable of making public transport less annoying so this is the only way they have of closing the gap and making public transport seem attractive.
God bless this inept government.
Another inept knee jerk reaction that only punishes the law abiding.
I currently have several classic cars that are uninsured and taxed, yet kept off road.
I have kept them taxed (though actually tax exempt due to age/ still have to get a disk) so as to allow prospective buyers with their own insurance to test drive them.

If I wanted to avoid tax/insurance/fine issues I would purchase one of the many available cars you can pick up without documentation and drive that.

Remember the fuss kicked up after Dunblaine? the outlawing of legally held semi automatic handguns. The persecution of legitimate sport shooters and enthusiasts?
Has this decreased the criminal use of guns in this country since that legislation?
Of course it hasn't.
Laws like this only penalize law abiding citizens.
well this has prompted me to insure my twin turbo soarer ( was in my dad's garage, taxed as well. )

insured as a second car it's costing me £350 a year which is actually pretty good given i'm 26.

this is utterly stupid move on part of the government but I don't really have a choice - at least it's prompted me to get the car out and remember how quick it is!
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