I don't have a horse in this race but your incessant waaaaaa every time someone says something negative about EVs is quite amusing
If the negative things which people say were actually based on reality then I’d happy to discuss it.
If your use case is to tow a car trailer or a horse box half way across the country every weekend when I wouldn’t recommend an EV.
I tow with an EV so I do actually have some real world experience and no, the chargers aren’t really set up for it and your vehicle choice is much more restrictive. In reality that’s a tiny edge case, even the caravaners only go >100 miles a few times a year.
The video went well beyond that though as has already been stated.
We get it, you drive an EV, you like EVs, you see EVs as the future of transport and no other vehicle will ever matter again and anyone who comes up with any other idea is wrong.
I’ve never taken that position. I’m pretty open minded and could can probably attribute that open mindedness as to one of the reasons why I have a EV but I also live in the real world where economics and time also exist.
Can we circle back to the hydrogen discussion now or is that too soon?
The hydrogen discussion is as dead as the technology is in cars. Thats not because it doesn’t work, it does, and works very well.
The issue is the economics have been completely blown out the water by battery passenger cars. Particularly now cheaper LFP batteries are getting very close to NCA/NMC chemistries in terms of density and more than good enough the vast majority of cars.
Hydrogens issue is the cost of the fuel and only saviour is if they can make it cost 1/5 to 1/4 it does now.
The issue is that you can only make it substantially cheaper is through the cost of the electricity because the process is limited by physics not technology. That creates an obvious issue where BEVs also get cheaper by the same rate at the same time.
So in summary hydrogen fuel cells are great and they have a wide range of applications. Mass market cars are not one of them because of the economics.
ICE cars powered by hydrogen are not going to be a thing because of the nox issue. There simply isn’t going to be a place for them in towns and cities.
Will you get hydrogen ICE plant and heavy lift vehicles, sure, that’s absolutely going to be a thing, just not on cars.