I agree with this. You can't not use Linux without ending up having to open Terminal to do something. CLI's are great in any OS but unlike any other OS in Linux you can't not avoid it.
That's a load of crap really. Typical PC use case is a browser, email and a word application. You can happily use and install all of these without ever touching the terminal. The guy you're quoting goes on to mention webmin, so he's talking about controling a webserver which is hardly standard practice.
That said, I find apache + CLI significantly easier to get my head around than dealing with IIS and clicking GUIs. Theres a reason PowerShell was invented and lauded. There is a reson few gui's for admining webservers exist despite there being an abundance of programmers capable enough to develop a GUI. It's because the CLI is good. In fact, the linux CLI is probably the only reason I use linux because lets be honest, the desktop does ******* suck but it sucks for other reasons than what are being posted:
> X.org is bad. There are many reasons it's bad but for me the biggest is when one app hangs, your entire desktop will take a nap. This sucks but they're replacing X.org so hopefully the new stuff will fix this.
> A scheduler that allows you to whore so much CPU your desktop becomes unusable sucks. The scheduler might be correct for servers (I'd argue a server that has so much load you can't SSH into kinda sucks personally) but it's deffo not for our desktops.
> Graphics support sucks. Intel is OK but not quite as good as performance on windows. AMD is getting there, but behind Intel. Nvidia sucks. You can install binary drivers, but that sucks in linux.
> The actual DEs are bad and messy. We had kde and gnome as the two formost DEs and both of them decided to **** off their userbase in a massive rewrite which gave us shiney at the cost of reduced functionality. No matter how many youtube videos you have of people being impressed with compiz and the cube BS, nobody uses a computer because you can do stupid crap like that.
X.org and graphics support is going to be a non-issue unless you have a nvidia card in the future, so we're just left with needing a solid DE that doesn't get a rewrite because the developers are bored and for mainline to take a desktop scheduler a bit more seriously (although that's not really such a big issue, most people don't create that type of load).