Is the MMORPG dead or dying?

To succeed you need player generated content. The hardcore will always complete theme park content faster than it can be created. I found the early SWG to work well. Player built towns different planets and travel speed was fast enough you could make progress but slow enough that the planets had real scale to them.

There was less meta gaming and min maxing then too. Gear decay worked quite well too. JTL killed it for me, I think they lost their focus. Then they made Jedi too easy, was very impressed when you came across rare one. You knew someone had put a lot of effort into getting there.

They have to get away from trying to make all content available to everyone. You pay to play not to be guaranteed to achieve. If everyone has something Ferrari, degree, fancy phone no one appreciates the achievement.
I recently bought BFA for WoW, got to 120 on my Shaman and that was enough for me to finally kick my WoW habit, before WoW was EQ1, EQ2 and DAOC, ive dabbled with pretty much every other MMORPG out there, currently im subbed to FF14 and i F2P ESO when bored.

Upcoming MMORPGs, other than Camelot Unchained, which im thinking still wont be a patch on DAOC, im looking forward to Pantheon and its return to old school social MMORPG gaming, cant frickin wait, it should be awesome.
Gear decay worked quite well too

Personally I've never liked concepts like gear decay though it has a lot of potential as a balancing factor for certain metas so plenty of scope for it co-existing in a game without being a fundamental mechanic.
Elder Scrolls Online is definitely my go-to MMO. I've been playing on and off since release in 2014.
It had a bit of a buggy launch, with things like instancing not working correctly, but the game had dramatically improved over time.

I am a massive fan of ES lore, and ESO has so much of it. The quests are great and fully voice acted (not just go here and collect X item quests. There is always something for me to do depending on the mood I'm in. Sometimes I want to group up with players and run some dungeons. Sometimes I just want to play alone and do other things.
Taking a short break from it but I still enjoy guild wars 2, and that shows no signs of throwing in the towel any time soon (new living world release next week).
Elder Scrolls Online is definitely my go-to MMO. I've been playing on and off since release in 2014.
It had a bit of a buggy launch, with things like instancing not working correctly, but the game had dramatically improved over time.

I am a massive fan of ES lore, and ESO has so much of it. The quests are great and fully voice acted (not just go here and collect X item quests. There is always something for me to do depending on the mood I'm in. Sometimes I want to group up with players and run some dungeons. Sometimes I just want to play alone and do other things.

Is playing on your own all the time viable?
Is playing on your own all the time viable?

There is so much content that playing on your own is perfectly viable. I enjoy just logging on and completing some quests (which are fully voice acted and actually have decent stories). There will be certain things that you would need a group for, e.g. veteran dungeons, some world bosses etc
There is so much content that playing on your own is perfectly viable. I enjoy just logging on and completing some quests (which are fully voice acted and actually have decent stories). There will be certain things that you would need a group for, e.g. veteran dungeons, some world bosses etc

Ok thanks.
Wildstar never got of to a good start! I think most people who purchased it played for about 2 months and then stopped! Me included! The problem with a lot of
MMORPG is they don't keep you engaged!

But just look at world of warcraft - its got massively popular again.... you only have to look on twitch most evenings to see a lot of people getting 70k viewers watching people on wow :) So def no dying out- Only the good ones stick around.
Wildstar never got of to a good start! I think most people who purchased it played for about 2 months and then stopped! Me included! The problem with a lot of
MMORPG is they don't keep you engaged!

But just look at world of warcraft - its got massively popular again.... you only have to look on twitch most evenings to see a lot of people getting 70k viewers watching people on wow :) So def no dying out- Only the good ones stick around.

TBF the expansion was only released a month or so ago so it's bound to be more popular at the moment. I'm already bored of it TBH. Of course, a lot of people aren't.
There is so much content that playing on your own is perfectly viable. I enjoy just logging on and completing some quests (which are fully voice acted and actually have decent stories). There will be certain things that you would need a group for, e.g. veteran dungeons, some world bosses etc

As Dan says, you can do A LOT solo in ESO, in fact its that very reason which eventually stopped me playing ESO. One of the things I am really looking forward to when Pantheon releases is that you have to group to get anything done at all, even killing a single even con non-boss mob pretty much requires a group. Reminds me so much of the early MMOs where you grouped up and chatted a lot more because of the increased downtime.
Yeah the social aspect of it is completely gone now. Waiting for boats in EQ, meditating in DAoC, just requiring groups for most content is non existent now. Single player games with raiding bolted on.
Age of Conan did well at least until the first expansion which pretty much killed the game.

Lots of group dungeons for 6 people that took anything from 15 mins to a hr and some cool fun 20 man raiding. Good times :)
kinda miss EQ2, shame there was never an EQ3.

EQ2 aged really badly though but at the time it was a fun game and still somewhat hard compared to modern mmos like WOW.

also competing in dungeons against other people for pulls was nice, shame everything is so instanced these days makes them feel less alive imo

I doubt we will ever see a proper AAA classic style MMO that forces social interaction and grouping again.

FFXI was pretty great as well in that regard I played it on import on SEA servers, could only communicate with most apart from the odd americans using the ingame translator but still made some good friends.
Had some randoms help me out on their uber high level characters after farming for level limit drops that were rare as hell.
people had to keep a good reputation or get black listed by people and never find a group again so no one just got what they came for and left.
also competing in dungeons against other people for pulls was nice, shame everything is so instanced these days makes them feel less alive imo

I doubt we will ever see a proper AAA classic style MMO that forces social interaction and grouping again.

The shared dungeons of old MMOs is one of the things I loved about them too, its one of the many reasons I am so looking forward to Pantheon, to again be in a dungeon with my group alongside dozens of other groups doing there own thing in the same dungeon.
I'd love a new 'proper' MMo to get released like mentioned ^^ , something were group interaction is needed to complete Dungeons for example - a Tank, DPS, Crowd Control, Healer like the classics of WoW, Lotro, SWG, Everquest.

Most newer MMo's seem to be made for solo play, which has it's place and can work well, but personally I prefer 'clan/guild' content. I know there are some MMo's that have sort of both but I can't think of any that do it to the above standards.

Drunken guild runs are fond memories.
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