Is playing on your own all the time viable?
I'm often online in ESO add me to your friendlist @M0RL3Y, i've just recently started levelling a Warden
Is playing on your own all the time viable?
The shared dungeons of old MMOs is one of the things I loved about them too.
A lot of people pining for MMOs of old may be interested in WOW classic which they will be officially releasing "one day". I'm guessing next year or the year after. I'm looking forward to it.
Definitely, Darkness Fall in DAoC was one of the best for me. High level content with the chance of another faction gaining entrance or having logged off in there.
A few people have mentioned WoW being too big for anyone else to fit into the marketplace. WoW has gone from 12mil subs to less than 5m subs.
That is a pretty sharp decline.
Unfortunately, even WoW classic isnt much like the MMOs of old. Still very different in terms of gameplay. Doesnt have the old MMO features like shared dungeons, your items remaining on your body when you die and you having to try and get back to your body to get your gear back (corpse runs), really slow levelling with slow health/mana regen meaning that you need to form groups and camp locations, which in turn means lots of downtime between pulls and socialising, mobs not stopping running after you until you die or change zone so no just running off until the mob resets if you get in trouble, even a same level mob effectively being unsoloable etc.
Those are all reasons why I'm waiting for Pantheon (besides, at the rate Blizzard are going, Pantheon will be out before Wow Classic )
I hear ya! FFXI was the best MMO I ever played. I imported it from Japan when the Rise of the Zilart expansion was released and was part of an importers Linkshell, loved it but had to stop. I played it on 3 more separate occasions and made some great friends, the last time being when FFXIV was coming out (version 1) and I was part of the beta forum for that game and some of us decided to restart FFXI again. It was incredible, we had fixed nights each week of levelling and doing the expansions together, we did everything. It was a great way to hang out and help each other with stuff.FFXI consumed my life back in the day. I must have played that game 16+ hours a day, every day- it rapidly became an unhealthy obsession and caused my family to intervene and pull me away from it. Easy to look back on now and see it as a mistake, but at the time, it consumed me. I loved everything about it, and the game was an incredible time sink. I remember spending days levelling through the 50's, one of the highlights being the top end of Kuftal Tunnel, near the Cape Terrigan exit smashing up worms! Then, the seemingly endless push to 75 where endless hours of camping HNMs awaited!
To this day, I've never found a game quite like it. Given my history, I would say that's a positive thing, but I now have a wife, family and a job so something like that is unlikely to happen again.
I'm thinking of trying ESO again. I did play it a couple of years ago but never really got into it. I really want a game I can log in to, soak up the lore and potter around at my own pace. My kids come first, so I need to be able to just drop what I'm doing and log off- unlike the old school days of PTing in FFXI where you had to (morally) play on until your replacement arrived!
I'm looking to get back in to playing something, albeit, casually.
I hear ya! FFXI was the best MMO I ever played. I imported it from Japan when the Rise of the Zilart expansion was released and was part of an importers Linkshell, loved it but had to stop. I played it on 3 more separate occasions and made some great friends, the last time being when FFXIV was coming out (version 1) and I was part of the beta forum for that game and some of us decided to restart FFXI again. It was incredible, we had fixed nights each week of levelling and doing the expansions together, we did everything. It was a great way to hang out and help each other with stuff.
FFXIV kinda took over and sadly it stopped because it's built differently to FFXI. FFXIV is itself an incredible game its just not as social and its incredibly fast paced as most MMO's are nowadays and its difficult to make friends and build reputation/relationships ingame because of the way the party system works. 99% of your grouped time will be with randoms from different servers, so you'll likely never see or play with them again. That being said if you're able to start with a group of friends and arrange time to play together each week to do the content, you'll love it, especially now that you only have so much time. FFXI on the otherhand, I don't think there will ever be a game like it again.
FFXI consumed my life back in the day. I must have played that game 16+ hours a day, every day- it rapidly became an unhealthy obsession and caused my family to intervene and pull me away from it. Easy to look back on now and see it as a mistake, but at the time, it consumed me. I loved everything about it, and the game was an incredible time sink. I remember spending days levelling through the 50's, one of the highlights being the top end of Kuftal Tunnel, near the Cape Terrigan exit smashing up worms! Then, the seemingly endless push to 75 where endless hours of camping HNMs awaited!
To this day, I've never found a game quite like it. Given my history, I would say that's a positive thing, but I now have a wife, family and a job so something like that is unlikely to happen again.
I'm thinking of trying ESO again. I did play it a couple of years ago but never really got into it. I really want a game I can log in to, soak up the lore and potter around at my own pace. My kids come first, so I need to be able to just drop what I'm doing and log off- unlike the old school days of PTing in FFXI where you had to (morally) play on until your replacement arrived!
I'm looking to get back in to playing something, albeit, casually.
ESO has really developed last few years IMO. You can play a lot of it solo these days as the overland content is not so hard with the power creep. Some dungons and content needs groups, but that makes up such a small part IMO. Pretty easy to play both casually or it can get immersive if you try to chase the meta and want to play in the absolute end game content.
Yeah Abyssea kinda made the level 1-75 content all mute and there was a noticeable difference in how we engaged in game once we all reached Abyssea, much more of a duo/trio job. I was working toward the Twashtar when Seekers of Adoulin arrived with an update which basically rendered the old Empy weapons void at the time... which kinda finished it for me and I couldn't justify the time I spent with it anymore.I started in early 2005 after Promathia. It didn't take me long to realise it was something special. I think the best way to sum it up is, it's like an online FFVII (in terms of quality, not gameplay).
I did go back to it when they introduced Abyssea (and raised the level cap to 99) and had new levels of fun, but after about 9-10 months three of us got to the point where we were spending more and more time on the game (we were all double-boxing characters as well), so we stopped and took a break. None of us knew it at the time, but that would be it, we would never return.
I also tried FFXIV (pre :ARR) but it was a massive disappointment! The three of us (as mentioned above) then came back for :ARR, got a class to 50 and maxed out some crafting and gathering and then rapidly got bored- it seemed there was not much to do. I'm guessing it has now been improved? This was very early on.
Yeah Abyssea kinda made the level 1-75 content all mute and there was a noticeable difference in how we engaged in game once we all reached Abyssea, much more of a duo/trio job. I was working toward the Twashtar when Seekers of Adoulin arrived with an update which basically rendered the old Empy weapons void at the time... which kinda finished it for me and I couldn't justify the time I spent with it anymore.
As for ARR, yeah there's tonnes of content now, still in the same mould mind but it's there if you're interested. I went back last year for Stormblood for a few months, I started a brand new character on one of the new servers and joined a company with a few players. It was fun, liked the new jobs and I wanted to keep playing but, like I experienced before with the game, people are more solo focussed and aren't interested in doing stuff together. I'd love to get back into it but it'll be like the 5th time I've tried. I just need to find that core group to play with
Well, i bought Wow BFA, levelled to cap on my shaman and then uninstalled, its bland and boring and i think the final nail i needed in the coffin for WoW, i cant see me ever going back there...
So you got to 120 but didn't do any of the Island Expeditions, World PvP, Warfronts, Raids or Dungeons?.
You're missing out on 90% of the game.