Is the MMORPG dead or dying?

Done the dungeons during levelling but nothing after, the game is very PVP biased i feel and i hate WoW PVP, after playing DAOC i cannot stomache any other MMORPG version of PVP, its just so meh

If you hate the PvP, just opt out of war-mode and go about your business as you normally would. No risk of being ganked then.
If you hate the PvP, just opt out of war-mode and go about your business as you normally would. No risk of being ganked then.

I never run Warmode at all during my time in BFA, being ganked doesnt bother me either, i just find WoW PVP Dull as dishwater... also that Scenario thing i joined was just total chaos, it was basically AV vs the NPC's lol, i had to go collect resources and build some robot crusher things and attack the alliance NPCs... it was basically PVNPC.

A few of my friends done the same, played the first 2 weeks and then gave up, the game really didnt introduce anything we have not seen in one form or another before :( atleast with Legion you had a feeling of progression via the Artifact weapons. I do like BFA's armor trait system though, that was pretty cool. But the game is pretty much the same as whats come before, i think maybe ive just outgrown WoW.
I think the problem for me with BFA is it just feels like legion 2.0. Probably mostly to do with the same old world quests. Also once you get to revered (or exalted) there's no reason to run them anymore. Although I hated the free RNG legendaries it gave you a reason to do your dalies, now I can't really see any reason. I've got 2 more factions that I'm very closed to revered on then I may log on once to run a normal raid but I don't think I'll be motivated to run HC.

Island expeditions are rubbish imo, they are not rewarding in the slightest. The Warfront scenario was fun but it comes about pretty rarely.

Never really enjoyed PVP in wow (except wPVP before flying was introduced).
I think the problem for me with BFA is it just feels like legion 2.0. Probably mostly to do with the same old world quests. Also once you get to revered (or exalted) there's no reason to run them anymore. Although I hated the free RNG legendaries it gave you a reason to do your dalies, now I can't really see any reason. I've got 2 more factions that I'm very closed to revered on then I may log on once to run a normal raid but I don't think I'll be motivated to run HC.

Island expeditions are rubbish imo, they are not rewarding in the slightest. The Warfront scenario was fun but it comes about pretty rarely.

Never really enjoyed PVP in wow (except wPVP before flying was introduced).

You can get some decent mounts at Exalted with the BFA reputations, but most people are still doing them daily for the Azerite power (AP) to increase your neck piece level. Same with Island Expeditions, they can be quite boring and tedious, but it's a good way to grind AP if you wish to do so; not to mention the transmog gear, mounts, pets etc.

No real point clearing normal either, you may as well do LFR, the difficulty is about the same. Heroic and more-so Mythic is where the challenging aspect is.
You can get some decent mounts at Exalted with the BFA reputations, but most people are still doing them daily for the Azerite power (AP) to increase your neck piece level. Same with Island Expeditions, they can be quite boring and tedious, but it's a good way to grind AP if you wish to do so; not to mention the transmog gear, mounts, pets etc.

No real point clearing normal either, you may as well do LFR, the difficulty is about the same. Heroic and more-so Mythic is where the challenging aspect is.

The problem is, I'm a fickle gamer. Grinding for a few ilvls on a piece of gear that will never change isn't exciting for me, I need moar lootz!

I'm not saying there's nothing to do, anyone who plays WOW who says that is just silly. There's just nothing I want to do.
The problem is, I'm a fickle gamer. Grinding for a few ilvls on a piece of gear that will never change isn't exciting for me, I need moar lootz!

I'm not saying there's nothing to do, anyone who plays WOW who says that is just silly. There's just nothing I want to do.

I feel the same. And cancelled my sub yesterday.

Bliizard are also trying to hold onto as many subs as possible right now. As they are offering a mount if you sign up for 180 days game time, as of last week.
@KentMan You have to try ESO pvp if you liked DAOC pvp :)
A huge map (bigger than ES oblivion) plus a group oriented pvp dungeon (imperial dungeon) and darkness falls area (Imperial City)

Especially sieges at nighttime are an amazing eyesight with all the catapults and bubbles. You need a 5ghz cpu though to keep up and something like a vega64/gtx1080.

For Aldmeri Dominion.......... :D
(and still pro Hibernia 17 years later)
Nostalgia hit bad tonight for some reason so jumped in Paragon Chat (City of Heroes) to have a roam around - it is pitiful ncsoft can't come up with some way to bring the game back.
It's just a rather stale genre these days for me.

I've played SWG, WOW, GW2, ESO, Wildstar, Neverwinter, SWTOR, CoH, STO, Champions Online and LOTRO for many, many hours (not at the same time).

I stopped playing MMO's this year mainly due to the stale factor but more importantly i just didn't have the time for them anymore.

Now i just play single player and multiplayer games, multiplayer games that offer a quick game such as Battlefield providing the tickets aren't bloated.
Problem with most MMOs is they all try to copy wow anyone remember the rift advert ( I think it was rift) " your not in azeroth now" and that tanked hard and fast because it tried to copy wow so much I used to love swtor but the main issues I had with it was no add-ons no DPS meter and at the time there was no raids so all you could do is dungeons and PvP the PvP was annoying as hell because there was some sort of delay in attacking after pressing the skill and EVERYONE had a stun and no other forms of CC the thing I loved about swtor PvP tho was the environment was dangerous it had fire pits etc which you could use to knock enemies into/ cc them in it and kill them this was fantastic but sadly I got bored due to the above issues and when I tried to go back it wasf2p and you had to BUY action bars!!! Wtf
I suppose one could come to a conclusion that as the thread is a year old, its indicative of an answer to the posed question :D

Given that there are no new unique games out and ESO was the last big MMORPG released all way back in 2014, would say yes.

However that doesn't mean individual games are dead. ESO is going great, EVE still up and running 17 years later, and WOW well a pile of crap as always.
And UO went F2P after 22 years.
Played UO, EQ, and DAoC. DAoC was the pinnacle of mmorpg in my mind... after that I stopped playing them as I just couldn't see where the genre could go to improve on it.

WoW always just looked like a Camelot rip-off.

DAoC was the only MMO I ever played and it was brilliant, miss those days.
PVP kills MMO in the end, happens all the time. They moan so loud the devs cave in and all of a sudden the PVE crowd leave as all dev focus goes onto "balancing PVP" and PVE content is a after thought.

I miss the raids in Age of conan and anarchy online. Such fun times working out tactics then speed runs then less people.

I even like the holy trinity of healer/dps/tank secret world was brilliant in this respect but again total lack of content at endgame.

Add in f2p along with pvp and your game is on 12 months notice of quit.
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