Is the situation really this bad?

Software development is not dead. The world runs on software, there's no going back. I've been in this industry for over 15 years. I've worked with legacy, greenfield and by now some of my early greenfield is legacy and has to be rewritten. The truth about each generation of software is that it's just a matter of time it has to be rewritten only to eventually become legacy and the cycle goes on. This is where we, the software engineers come in. We're the new electricians and plumbers. The market is dead now, but it was dead worse during the dotcom crash and the 2008 financial meltdown. It will recover, it has to. Also all this raving about AI replacing us is absurd. I use ChatGPT Teams for some mundane stuff at work and I can assure you, it will never replace us for countless reasons.
Pretty much seems dead. Lots of lay offs. Many people jobless
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