What is funny is you fell for what I said.
Audio is subjective as is each individuals hearing, we all hear differently, we all have a preference for what sound we like too.
So yeah my setup actually not only kills off 1500 quid setups, but all of them.
It is sheer perfection.
For my ears.
Because you folks are first to be defensive and lack intelligence you will find yourselves in arguments you can't see out of.
I would never pay 1500, heck it would be hard for me to pay 500 when you can get 99% the audio quality for way less for what I want.
So yes audio is snake oil and yes people use numbers which you can't even tell a difference with to claim victories, whilst they are stuck in their ego, you are telling it how it is.. it's awesome, because your ears enjoy it.
Do you put the stats for your wife on display? yet you love her smell, the way she does things and her personality and those certain quirks?
God forbid you actually come across someone as shallow, yet you treat audio this way because it is an object, although everything is heard subjectively, just as you love your wife subjectively.

Audio is subjective as is each individuals hearing, we all hear differently, we all have a preference for what sound we like too.
So yeah my setup actually not only kills off 1500 quid setups, but all of them.
It is sheer perfection.
For my ears.
Because you folks are first to be defensive and lack intelligence you will find yourselves in arguments you can't see out of.
I would never pay 1500, heck it would be hard for me to pay 500 when you can get 99% the audio quality for way less for what I want.
So yes audio is snake oil and yes people use numbers which you can't even tell a difference with to claim victories, whilst they are stuck in their ego, you are telling it how it is.. it's awesome, because your ears enjoy it.
Do you put the stats for your wife on display? yet you love her smell, the way she does things and her personality and those certain quirks?
God forbid you actually come across someone as shallow, yet you treat audio this way because it is an object, although everything is heard subjectively, just as you love your wife subjectively.